
厂商 :合肥木屋电力科技有限公司

安徽 合肥
  • 主营产品:
  • 自整角机
  • 真空接触器
  • 电能表
联系电话 :13395774360
概述 Application()
DTSY345-D type electronic three——phase four——wire prepaid public meter adopts advanced SCM processing system for data collecting,processing and storing It is used for measuring the active electric energy with rated frequency 50Hz Its performances are in accordance with the technical requirements of GBFFl 5283-1 994 and JB/T8382-1 996 to the three-phase public meter This meter is applicable for conditions of ambient temperature一20℃~50℃and relative humidity not exceed 85%
主要特点 Strncture()
Adoption of management of special power selling machine,purchase first before power utilization;multi—meter multi-card in the same region,utilizing power by plugging in card,cutting power supply by pulling out;it is able to deduct the consumed quantity of electricity automatically;when the rest electricity quantity is zero,the power supply would be cut off automatically;it is designed with certain electricity—stealing prevention software The powe r pu rchase card is a SF4442 encrypted IC card,each card has a random password,preventing counterfeiting The power purchase card is able to purchase power and use repeatedly
规格及主要技术参数 Main Technical Parameter()