厂商 :广州泓通检测设备有限公司
广东 佛山- 主营产品:
- 电线电缆耐燃烧装置
- 电子产品着火试验设备
- 灼热丝试验针焰试验仪
联系电话 :13924353969
Ball Pressure Tester BP-1
产品概述:本装置适用于对所有绝缘材料制成的电器外壳、外部零件进行耐热实验,符合GB2099.1-2008图37、IEC884-1图37、GB4706、IEC335、GB4943、IEC950 等标准要求,
支承块为:直径 50长100,并有直径1.2的测温孔,不锈钢制作。
Products Information
Ball Pressure Tester BP-1
Product details:Model BP-1.The HT Ball Pressure Tester is used for testing parts of non-metallic materials for resistance to heat. It is applicable to electrotechnical equipment, its subassemblies and components, and to solid electrical insulating materials except ceramics.
In this test, a conditioned specimen is placed on a preheated support and subjected to a force of 20N applied through a 5mm steel ball. The test stand, specimen and loading device are then kept in an oven at an elevated temperature for an hour. After the hour, the loading device is removed from the sample, the sample is cooled and any indentation is measured. It is important to assure that the test stand has reached a stable elevated temperature as required by the test.
Ball Diameter: ?5mm ±0.05mm
Ball Pressure: 20N (includes loading device and ball)
Test Stand: 100mm high x 50mm diameter,hole diameter:2mm
Material: Stainless steel,Ball: hardened steel
Conforms to standard: IEC60695-10-2(2003), IEC 60884-1, IEC60320-1, IEC60335-1, IEC60598-1, IEC60950-1.
Ball Pressure Tester BP-1
产品概述:本装置适用于对所有绝缘材料制成的电器外壳、外部零件进行耐热实验,符合GB2099.1-2008图37、IEC884-1图37、GB4706、IEC335、GB4943、IEC950 等标准要求,
支承块为:直径 50长100,并有直径1.2的测温孔,不锈钢制作。
Products Information
Ball Pressure Tester BP-1
Product details:Model BP-1.The HT Ball Pressure Tester is used for testing parts of non-metallic materials for resistance to heat. It is applicable to electrotechnical equipment, its subassemblies and components, and to solid electrical insulating materials except ceramics.
In this test, a conditioned specimen is placed on a preheated support and subjected to a force of 20N applied through a 5mm steel ball. The test stand, specimen and loading device are then kept in an oven at an elevated temperature for an hour. After the hour, the loading device is removed from the sample, the sample is cooled and any indentation is measured. It is important to assure that the test stand has reached a stable elevated temperature as required by the test.
Ball Diameter: ?5mm ±0.05mm
Ball Pressure: 20N (includes loading device and ball)
Test Stand: 100mm high x 50mm diameter,hole diameter:2mm
Material: Stainless steel,Ball: hardened steel
Conforms to standard: IEC60695-10-2(2003), IEC 60884-1, IEC60320-1, IEC60335-1, IEC60598-1, IEC60950-1.