厂商 :深圳博瑞图电子科技有限公司
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
- 编程器
- 数据采集卡
- 仿真器
usb interface adapter
This EVM serves as an interface adapter or a bridge between a host PC (IBM?
compatible) and one or multiple slave devices via a standard type-A to mini-B USB
cable. The communication between the USB interface adapter and the host PC is via
USB, while the communication between the USB interface adapter and the slave
device(s) is via an inter-integrated circuit (I2C) and/or general-purpose inputs/outputs
GPIOs. The bridge converts communication transactions between the USB and
List of Software Items for Operation
In addition to the previously listed hardware items, the following software also is needed:
· I2C/GPIO/PMBUS/SMBUS transport layer DLL driver (PMBus Transport (USB HID).dll) created by TI
· Demo GUI software (USB SAA GUI.exe) for I2C/GPIO/PMBUS/SMBUS application
Both can be downloaded from the TI website in the file "USB interface adapter GUI.zip", which also
contains other accessory files.
The USB interface adapter is recognized by a PC as a generic human interface device (HID), which is
supported by the built-in USB/HID drivers of the Windows operating system. Therefore, it is plug and play
and no proprietary USB driver is required
联 系 人 ;雷 俊 (先 生)
EMAIL: 401512450@qq.com
网 址:www.szprotools.com