斯卡兰特效脱模剂 高效型的硅油喷雾,能将塑料,橡胶产品从它们的模具中脱离出来。无色。无味。无毒性。在-40℃to +250℃.温度下稳定。是各种弹性体的优良抗老化剂和润滑剂。不会变黄或者产生不好的气味。 广泛使用于各种塑料,橡胶,玻璃,金属工业制品脱模。具有脱模效果好,次数多,防锈,润滑,不损模具和增加塑料表面光洁度。把产品彻底清洗干净后,不影响二次加工,如喷油,丝印,电镀,烫金,透明制品及高精度电子产品印刷,方便耐用等优点。
- 使用方法:使用前请摇匀本品,以15-20厘米的距离均匀喷在模具表面。
- 注意事项:1.本品为压力包装的易燃品,请远离火源或热源;
2.禁止在机器的热源附近使用或储存; 3.切勿将罐体刺穿或抛入火中(即使产品已经用完); 4.使用时请勿倒喷并保持工作区域通风良好; 5.用时若液体不慎溅入眼睛,请立即用清水冲洗,如仍有不适,请就医确诊; 6.避免小孩接触,并存放于50℃以下阴凉干燥的地方。 MOULD RELEASE AGENT High-efficiency,detaching silicone spray for the removal of plastic and rubber products from their moulds.Colorless,odorless,non-toxic,it is stable at temperatures from-40℃to +250℃. Excellent antiager and lubricant for all kinds of elastomers,it will not yellow or cause bad smells.
- DIRECTION:Shake well before use. Keep away 15-20 cm from the surface and spray evenly.
- CAUTION:1.EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE.Pressurized container.Keep away from fire or heat source.
2.Do not use or store the product near heat source of machines. 3.Do not pierce or burn even after use. 4.Do not spray upside down Use only in well-ventilated areas. 5.In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water and seek medical advice. 6.Store in a dry and cool place below50℃.Keep away from children.
- INGREDIENTS:Silicone,Propellant
净含量:450ml Net Content:450ml 执行标准:Q/ZSTT-001 Standard No.:Q/ZSTT-001 使用有效期及批号见罐底 The period of validity and batch No.are on the bottom of can