厂商 :东莞市卓丰塑胶有限公司
广东 东莞- 主营产品:
- 高性能工程塑胶
- 特种复合材料
- 工程塑胶

Grilamid TR grades are transparent thermoplastic polyamides based on aliphatic and cycloaliphatic blocks. Grilamid TR 55 LX offers a variety of interesting properties such as: clear transparency even in high wall thicknesses good light natural colour can be coloured in transparent as well as opaque colours tough stiff good chemical- and stress-crack resistance Grilamid TR grades are suitable for production of optical and technical demanding parts in the application fields of: - Optic - Electro / Electronics - Automotive - Mechanical engineering - Domestic appliances - Sanitary Grilamid?TR(透明尼龙) 注射及挤出品级 非增强型(Grilamid?TR55,TR55LX等) 40%玻纤增强(Grilamid?TRV-4X9) 超韧(GRILAMID?TR90),高玻璃化温度(GRILAMID?TR70LX)等

高性能工程塑胶 特种复合材料 工程塑胶 PPA PES/PSU PEI PEEK PA12