厂商 :优力检测服务(广州)有限公司
广东 广州- 主营产品:
- 能源之星
- 能效测试
- 性能测试
联系电话 :13806005535
Payments and security
UL is a worldwide expert in the payments and security arena. We work with major global industry players to help get payment products approved, and ensure they are secure.UL is currently working on next generation smartcard systems, where the companys knowledge and level of consulting expertise is unrivaled. We are fully equipped to test the implementation of contact or contactless payment applications, e-passport/ E-ID applications or smartcard Point of Sale terminals or readers.
ULs testing and approval services can verify various aspects of smart cards including physical characteristics and compatibility with EMV and ISO smartcard standards. UL has an accredited laboratory for both Visa and EMVCo, and offers a wide range of experience in smart card testing.ULs smart card testing services include:
- ISO 7816/ ISO 10373
- Contact EMVCo or Visa EMV Level 1
- Contactless Visa Level 1 (Analogue and Digital)
- Visa Smart Debit / Credit or Visa Contactless payment Specification or EMVCo Common Payment Application
- Visa GlobalPlatform or EMVCo Common Care Definition
- R&D Pre-Qualification Services
UL has a broad range of experience facilitating approvals for payment terminals. We are professional to solve technical problems and we are able to help launch their products faster. Our testing and approval services check the key aspects of payment terminals under a process managed by EMVCo, called Terminal Type Approval. Terminal Type Approval testing assures interoperability and consistent behavior between compliant applications. ULs wide range of experience in terminal testing ensures we can help manufacturers meet approval requirements in the most efficient way possible.ULs terminal testing covers:
- EMV Level 1 For Contact Terminals
- EMV Level 2 For Contact Terminals
- EMV Level 1 For Contactless Terminals
- Visa Contactless Payment Specification
With our combined expertise in smart cards and terminals for payment, telecom and identity markets, ULs security experts can provide a host of services beyond those needed for type approval, helping manufacturers assess the vulnerability of smart contact and contactless cards.For terminals, PIN Entry Devices (PEDs) and any terminal offering financial transaction security (POS, UPT and Encrypting PinPad) must comply with PCI (Payment Card Industry)/PTS security standards. PEDs are evaluated against PCI security requirements which focus on PIN and sensitive data protection security compliance.
For cards, the Visa Risk Implementation Review, MasterCard CAST and EMVCo SEWG ICC security evaluations focus on physical and logical security issues related to smart card operations. They take into account a variety of well-known attacks, and verify that no secret information can be leaked out of the card.
Natural Security
Natural Security, a co-operative global authentication effort, has designed a strong, systematic authentication solution, combining several biometric and wireless communication technologies. This solution enables access in a vicinity environment to payments and value added services. UL is a key participant in the promotion of the Natural Security label and works closely in a collaborative and supportive fashion with the Natural Security team. Within the project, ULs role has been to define regulatory and proprietary compliance requirements, and to produce test specifications to ensure complete user acceptance of this technology in the fields of wireless communication, payment applications and security.Mobile payments
Mobile payments provide a "cashless" payment method via a mobile phone or device. There are four primary models for mobile payment; SMS-based transactions, direct mobile billing, mobile web payments and payment via near-field communications (NFC). The payment and mobile telecoms sectors are regulated in very different ways from one another and have dissimilar business models. This reality can have an impact on service reliability, system security and customer loyalty. It is important to overcome this challenge because gaining user acceptance is reliant on mobile payments being deemed 100% reliable, secure and simple to use.UL is uniquely positioned to help achieve this vision and it is one of the leading companies in the world that occupies the overlap between wireless communications, payment services and security evaluations.

Utilizing our combined expertise, we endeavor to help align the telecoms and payments sectors, in order to help our customers realize their mobile payment projects and bring them to market.
Overview of payments and security
