
厂商 :郑州市鸿志化学工业有限公司

河南 郑州
  • 主营产品:
  • 麦芽糊精
  • 聚丙烯纤维
  • 红外测温仪
联系电话 :15136216728

Gel Time
Solid Content
Performance & Applications
191 0.30-0.60 6-18 59-65 邻苯型通用树脂,强度及刚性好, 收缩小,综合性能好。适用于普通制品。
Orthophthalic general purpose resin with good strength and rigidity, small shrinkage, good integrated performance, suitable for common product.
191B 0.25-0.45 6-18 59-65 邻苯型通用树脂,强度及韧性好。适用于普通制品。
Orthophthalic general purpose resin with good strength and toughness, suitable for common product.
191C 0.25-0.45 6-18 59-65 邻苯型通用树脂,强度及刚性好,耐热高。适用于普通制品。
Orthophthalic general purpose resin with good strength and rigidity, good heat resistance, suitable for common product.
DC191 0.25-0.45 5-12 68-75 DCPD型通用树脂,强度高,耐热好,综合性能优越。适用性广。
DCPD type general purpose resin with high strength, good heat resistance, superior integrated performance and broad application.
DC189 0.25-0.45 5-12 68-75 DCPD型耐水树脂,通过中国船级社认证,综合性能优越。适用于耐水制品和普通玻璃钢产品。
DCPD type resin, good water resistance, authenticated by China Classification Society, superior integrated performance , suitable for water resistance product and common FRP product.
946 0.35-0.50 5-12 61-67 DCPD型树脂,温峰低,收缩小,强度和刚性好,吸水率低。适用于高强度、低收缩的制品。
DCPD type resin, lower peak of exotherm temperature, small shrinkage, good strength and rigidity, lower water absorption, suitable for product with high strength and low shrinkage.
946-1 0.35-0.50 5-12 61-67 DCPD型树脂,温峰低,固化平稳,收缩小,强度和刚性好,吸水率低。适用于高强度、低收缩的制品。
DCPD type resin, lower peak of exotherm temperature, stable curing, small shrinkage, good strength and rigidity, lower water absorption, suitable for product with high strength and low shrinkage.
189 0.30-0.60 12-30 60-66 邻苯型耐水树脂,通过中国船级社认证,强度及刚性好, 收缩小,综合性能好。适用于普通耐水制品和普通玻璃钢产品。
Orthophthalic resin with good water resistance, authenticated by China Classification Society, good strength and rigidity, small shrinkage, good integrated performance, suitable for common water resistance product and general purpose FRP product.
196 0.60-1.2 6-18 63-70 邻苯型通用树脂,通过中国船级社认证,强度及刚性好,耐冲击。适用性广。
Orthophthalic general purpose resin, authenticated by China Classification Society, good strength and rigidity, shock resistance and wide application.
DC196 0.60-1.2 5-12 72-78 DCPD型通用树脂,通过中国船级社认证,收缩率低,强度高,抗冲击,吸水率低。适用性广。
DCPD general purpose resin, authenticated by China Classification Society, lower shrinkage, high strength, lower water absorption and wide application.
WD196 0.60-1.2 6-18 63-70 邻苯型食品级树脂,已获得江苏省食品卫生生产许可证,强度及刚性好,耐冲击。适用于有食品卫生要求的玻璃钢制品。
Orthophthalic foodstuff-class resin, have the license of foodstuff approved by Jiangsu Province, good strength and rigidity, shock resistance, suitable for FRP product required foodstuff class.
196F 0.50-0.80 6-18 62-68 邻苯型通用树脂,强度及刚性好, 收缩小,综合性能好。适用于普通制品。
Orthophthalic general purpose resin, good strength and rigidity, small shrinkage, good integrated performance, suitable for common product.
MT801 0.25-0.45 6-18 60-66 邻苯型模特树脂,固化快,易脱模,强度和刚性好。适用于要求快速脱模的制品。
Orthophthalic model resin, fast curing, easy demolding, good strength and rigidity, suitable for product required fast demolding.
886A 0.25-0.45 9-18 68-75 DCPD型树脂,强度高,耐热耐水性能好,综合性能优越。适用于制作缠绕制品及普通玻璃钢产品。
DCPD type resin, high strength, good heat and water resistance, good integrated performance, suitable for winding product and common FRP product.
956 0.30-0.60 6-18 60-66 邻苯型通用树脂,通过中国船级社认证,强度高,刚性及韧性好。适用于制作各种高强度制品。
Orthophthalic general purpose resin, authenticated by China Classification Society, high strength, good rigidity and toughness, suitable for all kinds of product with high strength.
189P 0.30-0.60 11-23 60-66 邻苯型耐水树脂,预促进,通过中国船级社认证,强度及刚性好, 收缩小,综合性能好。适用于普通耐水制品。
Orthophthalic resin with good water resistance, authenticated by China Classification Society, good strength and rigidity, small shrinkage, good integrated performance, suitable for common water resistance product.
945AP-1 0.35-0.55 10-22 59-65 邻苯型通用树脂,预促进,强度及刚性好, 收缩小,综合性能好。适用于普通制品。
Orthophthalic general purpose resin, pre-promoted, good strength and rigidity, small shrinkage, good integrated performance, suitable for common product.