
厂商 :南京鹏控机电有限公司

江苏 南京
  • 主营产品:
  • 日本美德龙传感器
  • 日本杉山电机传感器
  • 日本日笠技研的结头
联系电话 :15251718525
感测头(Sensor Head)RS-843H日本理研感测器
感测头型号 适用机型 技术参数
南京鹏控机电设备有限公司  http://www.cndenkei.com/
销售热线: 15251718525王代娣        
直销电话: (025)85355355转801                   
阿里巴巴: pengkong801  
传真: 025-58575593王小姐(收) 
业务QQ: 522066997
邮箱: 15251718525@163.com

RS-833H RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Standard sensor as standard accessory
RS-843H RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Thin type of RS-833H
RS-853H RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Round type of RS-833H
RS-863H RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Embedded type of RS-833H
RS-893H RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Side type sensor
RS-903 RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Small and thin type
RS-923H RM-2804 For header monitoring unit
RS-835H RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Cable length 250mm type of RS-833H
RS-836H RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Cable length 350mm type of RS-833H
RS-838H RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Cable length 150mm type of RS-833H
RS-839H RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Cable length 300mm type of RS-833H
RS-846H RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Cable length 130mm type of RS-843H
RS-895H RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Cable less type of RS-893H
RS-841H RM-1310 RM-2501 RM-2402 RM-2404 RM-7201 Connector direct connection type of RS-833H