厂商 :温州韦尔西林密封材料有限公司
浙江 温州- 主营产品:
- 高压阀门密封圈
- 钢圈
- 金属环垫
金属环垫适用于高温高压,有R,RX,BX 三种型号,其中R型号有椭圆和八角两种截面,
所有的金属环垫用数控精加工,严格按照ASME B16.20 和API 6A 标准 。
适用标准: ANSI B16.5-1973、JPI-75-15-70、GB 699、GB1220、JB755、HG20633-97
R型 八角垫
RX型 八角垫 耐压可达700bar
此款垫片在使用时首先用外密封面与法兰接触, 很高的系统压力会产生很高的底座应力。
BX型 八角垫 耐高压(可达1500bar)
BX型垫片由增强法兰接触面上的垫片底座压力产生的内部系统压力进行自我密封控制。适用于API BX法兰和榫槽法兰。
Ring Joint Gaskets are precision machined metallic sealing rings, suitable for high temperature and high pressure applications. By applying pressure to the seal interface through bolt force, the softer metal of the gasket flows into the micro-fine structure of the harder flange material, creating a very tight and efficient seal. They are available in several common profiles to suit a variety of industry standard flanges.
We offer Styles R, RX, SRX, BX Ring Joint Gaskets,precision machined metallic sealing rings, suitable for high temperature and high pressure applications.X-Mas Tree in Oil and Gas industry.