
厂商 :潜山市谐达特种刷业制品厂

安徽 安庆市
  • 主营产品:
  • 磨料尼龙刷辊
  • 清洗机毛刷辊
  • 海绵吸水辊
联系电话 :13063281685
详细信息敬请来电咨询,欢迎新老朋友洽谈、订购!联系人:袁先生 QQ1945852730 ;电话/Tel :13063281685 、0556-8453503 ;传真/Fax :0556-8453503 ;邮箱/E-mail :qsxdsy@163.com ; http://www.qsxdsy.com .
Sisal polishing brush roller
Its sisal brush theAnhui Qianshan harmonic Dart kinds of brush Industry Products Factory specializes in the production of sisal polishing roller Mexico rigid quality sisal fiber with a strong rally, resistance to sea flooding, abrasion, flexible features such as sisal fiber specific gravity of about 1.251, the moisture in the air at about 10%, water fast, high fiber strength, the strength in the water Bigan intensity increases by 10% -15%. Particularly strong in seawater, the corrosion-resistant, immersed in 0.5% saline for 50 days, its strength there is 81.2% of the original intensity, and therefore can be used for fisheries, marine, mining, transport, using ropes, canvas, tarpaulin and other raw materials.
For more information please contact us, welcome new and old friends to discuss ordering! Contact Person: Mr. Yuan QQ1945852730; Phone / Tel: 13,063,281,685,0556-8453503; Fax / Fax :0556-8,453,503; the mailbox / E-mail: qsxdsy@163.com; http://www.qsxdsy.com.