
厂商 :意赛德(天津)自动化仪器有限公司

北京市 北京市
  • 主营产品:
  • 百乐威吸尘器
  • 温度计
  • 温度传感器
联系电话 :18910127207
Brief Introduction◆ Recording type pressure gauges are composed of apressure gauge and a recording device.◆ The recording pointer is carried by the pointer andleft at the maximum pressure reached.◆ The memory pointer is pushed up while the mediumpressure increasing, but it will not move when thepressure decreasing.◆ Memory device is applicable on non-fillable pressuregauges with range above 0.16 MPa.◆ The pressure gauge in differential types fixes with theorientation to form different Orientation pressure gaugewhich adds a code “PJY”. For example theYTF-100. AO-PJY(YTFJ-100) is Stainless SteelCorosion-proof memory pressure gauge, and theY-050. ZO-PJY(YJ50Z) is General Bottom installationmounting Memory pressure gauge.◆ Recording pointer is adjustable from the knob on outsidewindow.YTF-100. AO501-PJY(YTFJ-100)Y-050. ZO. 204-PJY(YJ50Z)PA ·04 - 5Y-060. AO. 200-PJY(YJ60)PA(36) 13 2008.11.6, 2:37 PM