
厂商 :西安金绿生物工程技术有限公司

陕西 西安
  • 主营产品:
  • 苦参碱
  • 柚皮甙
  • 左旋肉碱
联系电话 :15129390969
               THE  BRIEF  INTRODUCTION TO Naringenin
[产品名称-KinGreen]:   柚皮素
[英文名称-KinGreen]:  Naringenin
[产品别名-KinGreen]:  柑桔黄素,柑桔甙元;4,5,7-三羟基氟酮;4,5,7-三羟基二氢黄酮;柑桔素;柚配制;4,5,7-三羟基黄酮[西安金绿]
[产品CAS-KinGreen]:  480-41-1
[ -KinGreen]:  C15H12O5
[ -KinGreen]:  272.25
[ENNISC-KinGreen]:  266-769-1
[物理性状-KinGreen]:  白色结晶精细粉末[西安金绿]
[产品熔点-KinGreen]:  247-250 °C(lit.)
[产品规格-KinGreen]:   西安金绿生物供应柚皮素98%
[检测方法-KinGreen]:   高效液相色谱法
[ ProductBrand ]:  西安金绿-Xi’an KinGreen
[药理作用-KinGreen]:  柚皮素是柚皮甙的甙元,具有抗菌、抗炎、解痉和利胆作用。   1.抗菌:对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠、痢疾和伤寒杆菌都有较强的抗菌作用。柚皮素对真菌亦有作用,1000ppm 喷于大米上能降低稻瘟菌感染40-90%,且对人和家畜没有毒性。   2.抗炎:大鼠腹腔每天注射20mg/kg,明显抑制植入羊毛球所引起的发炎过程。3.抗癌:对大鼠白血病L1210和肉瘤均有活性。4.解痉和利胆:为黄酮类化合物中具有较强作用者。柚皮素并有较强的增加实验动物胆汁分泌的作用[西安金绿]
[Study At Abroad]:  A team of researchers from the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Engineering in Medicine (MGH-CEM) report that HCV is bound to very low-density lipoprotein (vLDL, a so-called “bad” cholesterol) when it is secreted from liver cells and that the viral secretion required to pass infection to other cells may be blocked by the common flavonoid naringenin. If the results of this study extend to human patients, a combination of naringenin and antiviral medication might allow patient to clear the virus from their livers. By finding that HCV is secreted from infected cells by latching onto vLDL, we have identified a key pathway in the viral lifecycle,” says Yaakov Nahmias, PhD, of the MGH-CEM, the paper’s lead author. “These results suggest that lipid-lowering drugs, as well as supplements, such as naringenin, may be combined with traditional antiviral therapies to reduce or even eliminate HCV from infected patients” The information above is provided by Xi’an KinGreen Bioengineering CO.,LTD.
[供应厂家-KinGreen]:  西安金绿生物工程技术有限公司
[产品应用-KinGreen]:  用于治疗细菌感染,镇静类药物。
[保存方法-KinGreen]: 通风干燥,阴凉,避强光。
[产品包装-KinGreen]: 1KG/灭菌铝箔袋;25KG/纸板桶;西安金绿生物工程技术有限公司可根据客户要求对产品具体包装。