
厂商 :湖北高天试验设备有限公司

湖北 武汉
  • 主营产品:
  • 防水试验箱
  • 紫外线老化箱
  • 砂尘试验箱
联系电话 :
Projector, measuring projector accessories, auto parts measuring projector, spot, discount
Projector, fittings measuring projector instrument features:
投影仪的仪器光学系统品质好,物镜成像清晰,放大倍率准确。在透射光照明下,轮廓测量误差小于0.08% 座标测量误差可达(3+L/200)um,L为被测长度(单位:mm):数据输出和采样十分方便。工件影像可以是全正像也可以是全倒像。此投影仪Z轴升降采用导轨的传送方法,提高了其机身的稳定性及耐久。投影仪成像测晰,放大倍率准确。
Projector instrument optical system quality good, lens imaging is clear, the magnification accurate. In the transmission light illumination, profile measurement error less than 0.08% coordinate measurement error can reach (3 + L / 200) um, L for measured length (unit: mm) : data output and sampling is very convenient. The image can be all as also can be full inverted image. This projector Z shaft lifting adopts rail delivery methods, improve the fuselage stability and durability. Projector imaging measurement is considered, magnification accurate.
三、很感谢大家对湖北高天试验设备有限公司的关注与支持哦! ^-^
Very thank you for hubei high day test equipment co., LTD., attention and support! ^ - ^
多年的行业实践,奠定今日高天辉煌成就! 莪们将会一如既往为大家提供更多更好更高效的服务,为得到您更满意的认可 ! ^-^ 18971683772 ,刘工 ^-^
Years of industry practice, establishes the high day today brilliant achievements! We are will continue to provide you more better and more efficient services, to get you more satisfied with the recognition! ^ - ^ 18971683772, LiuGong ^ - ^
Projector, fittings measuring projector equipment introduction:
WM3000Z系列全正像数字式测量投影仪是光 机 电 一体化的精度高效测量仪器。影像与工件完全同向,正立直观。它广泛用于机械,仪表,电子,轻工于重工业,研究所以及计量检定部门。本仪器能高效率的检测出各种形状复杂工件的轮廓尺寸和表面形状。如样板,冲压件,凸轮,螺纹,齿轮,成型铣刀等。。。。
WM3000Z series full as digital measuring projector is light machine electricity integration precision efficient measuring instrument. Imaging and workpiece completely accordant, are made intuitive. It is widely used in machinery, instrument, electronics, light industry in heavy industry, institute and metrological verification department. The instrument can detect all kinds of efficient complex shape of the workpiece contour size and surface shape. Such as a template, stamping parts, CAM, screw, gear, forming milling cutter, etc...