厂商 :山皇电子科技有限公司
广东 东莞- 主营产品:
- 黄金铝壳电阻
- 高压电阻
- 电位器
联系电话 :13267298978
波纹电阻器型号为:RXG20,在圆柱形的瓷管上固定了两个引出端子, 陶瓷管表面上缠绕了扁带波浪形状的合金电阻丝,并在其表面涂覆一层具有阻燃、耐高温特性的涂层。陶瓷管作为电阻丝骨架的同时,又具有散热器的功效,本品可按照客户的要求定制。适用于电梯、起重机、轧机、拉丝机、离心机、模拟负荷实验、设备放电、自动控制、变频器能耗制动等领域。
The superficial vertical ripple is advantageous to the radiation decrases the parasitic inductance, choose special inorganic coat to protect resistance silk efficiently not to be oxidized and prolongs service life. Appliance in elevator, crane, rolling mill, pull silk machine, centrifuge and load experiment.

可根据客户要求定制任何规格型号,欢迎来电来函咨询13267298978侯先生 QQ1458300588
The superficial vertical ripple is advantageous to the radiation decrases the parasitic inductance, choose special inorganic coat to protect resistance silk efficiently not to be oxidized and prolongs service life. Appliance in elevator, crane, rolling mill, pull silk machine, centrifuge and load experiment.

可根据客户要求定制任何规格型号,欢迎来电来函咨询13267298978侯先生 QQ1458300588