
厂商 :万达仪表厂

江苏 南京
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  • 流量计
联系电话 :15345180272


发布时间:2008-1-24 阅读次数:361
产品名称:   YJTW 系列耐酸、耐高温压力表
YJTW 系列耐酸、耐高温压力表 YJTW Series Acid Resistant & High Temperature Resistant Pressure Meter   简介       本仪表广泛应用于石油、化工、化纤、冶金、电站等工业部门中对耐酸、耐高温有较高要求的工艺流程中测量各中流体介质的压力。       耐酸压力表的零件全部采用不锈钢材料制成,具有较强的耐腐蚀性能,适用于检测腐蚀性较强介质的压力和在外部腐蚀环境中使用。       耐高温压力表的零件全部采用不锈钢材料制成,导压系统采用焊接工艺,具有优良的耐腐蚀性能。适用于对腐蚀性较强的介质和锡钎焊工艺不宜采用的高温介质或温度较高环境中的压力检测。   Brief introduction:       This sort of meter is used to measure pressure of various liquid mediums, which are widely used in technique flows of industry departments, such as oil industry, chemical industry, chemical fiber, metallurgy, electricity station, etc, which require higher acid-resistant performance.       Parts of acid resistant pressure meter are all made of stainless steel material, so the meters acid-resistant performance is much better and can be used to measure pressure of medium with powerful corrosion.       Parts of high temperature resistant pressure meter are all made of stainless steel material, and welding technique is adopted in its pressure leading system, so the meters corrosion resistant performance is good. This sort of meters can be used to measure pressure of following mediums: medium with strong corrosion, high temperature medium that is not suitable for braze welding technique, or medium with high temperature.   主要技术参数 Principal technical parameters
型号 Model 精确度 Accuracy 使用环境条件 Condition of applicable environment 温度影响 Temperature influence 标度范围 Measuring ranges(MPa)
YJTW-100   1.6、2.5 -40~70℃, -40~+200℃ (耐高温), 相对湿度不大于85% (High temperature resistants)Relative humidity: ≤85% 使用温度如偏离20±5℃ 其温度附加误 差不大于0.4%/10℃ with temperature departure of 20±5℃ the additional errorshall be less than 0.4%/10℃. 0~0.6;0~1;0~1.6; 0~2.5;0~4;0~6; 0~10;0~25;0~40;0~60
YJTW-150   0~0.6;0~1;0~1.6; 0~2.5;0~4;0~6; 0~10;0~25;0~40;0~60
             标记示例:YTS-150         耐酸压力表,公称直径150mm。        Marking instance:YTS-150  Production computer coding:1400060302        Acid resistant pressure meter, nominal diameter is 150mm. For detail production computer coding information

  订货须知 Ordering instructions        订货时须注明:产品电脑编码、型号、名称、精确度、测量范围。如特殊要求,请注明技术要求。         Ordering instructions: The product computer code ,types, names, accuracy grades, and measuring ranges .must be clearly noted. In case of special requirements, technical requirements shall be clearly noted specifications on the back of the order on ordering goods.