超静音型:配隔音罩,有台上型和嵌入式两种,可降低50%的噪音; |
With the development of the Q-Series sound reduction technology, Blendtec blenders continue to deliver the same industry leading performance, at a reduction of 50% Sound; |
大功率:峰值马力达到3HP,64盎司(2000 ml)聚碳酸酯杯,带计量刻度(1000 ml); |
64oz.polycarbonate container,break-resistant ,easy-to-read measurement markings; |
易用性:蓝色LCD显示器,30种预设程序,可无人值守操作; |
The LCD display allows you to preprogram 30 programs simultaneously,No-Tend touchpad controls ; |
多功能:可制作 沙冰、鸡尾酒、冰镇卡普奇诺、冰糕、奶昔、酸奶等; |
Flexibility:The perfect choice for smoothies, milkshaker, daiquiris, iced cappuccinos, granitas, and more; |