
厂商 :山东佳特机械科技有限公司

山东 潍坊
  • 主营产品:
  • 食品机械
  • 蔬菜清洗机
  • 烟熏炉
联系电话 :13668664320


JTZseries of electric heating automatically stir oil-water mixture frying machines 本机主体使用SUS304不锈钢制作。 本机采用公转与自转同步的搅拌方式,保证了食品炸制的均匀性,防止食品因挤压而相互粘连,搅拌系统使用变频调速。 自动出料系统,减轻了工人的劳动强度,保证了食品在油炸机内炸制时间的一致性,提高了产品质量。 This machine is main use SUS304 stainless steel. The machine adopts revolution and rotation synchronous agitation modes, to ensure the food ZhaZhi evenness, preventing food for extrusion and mutual adhesion, mixing system USES frequency conversion. Automatic discharging system, reduce the labor intensity of the workers, and to ensure the food in frying machines within the consistency of the ZhaZhi time, improve the product quality.