
厂商 :东莞市长安明亮清洁机械有限公司

广东 东莞
  • 主营产品:
  • 防静电地板蜡
  • 进口石材养护产品
  • 花岗岩/瓷砖/养护剂
联系电话 :15899936696
Granite grain surface agent was pale blue, is directed to a stone surface pursuit of super high brightness and design, polished after photometric greatly increased, the surface to produce a high gloss, and increase its waterproof, anti-fouling, non-slip effect.
Scope of application: natural granite
1. 先将粗糙的花岗石地面用翻新碟翻新至2000# 以上,然后清洗干净地面,待干透。
2. 将花岗岩加光剂适量洒在地面上,用晶面机配白色百洁垫或者纳米羊毛垫进行打磨,均匀磨开并磨干,重复一到两遍,地面即光亮如新; (8g/㎡) 。

Method of use:
In 1, the first rough granite floor renovation renovation dish to 2000 # above, and then clean the ground, to be dry.
In 2, the granite and polishing agent amount spilled on the ground, the crystal surface plane with white pad or nanometer wool pad for polishing, grinding and grinding and dry evenly, repeat one or two times surface glossy; ( 8g / square meters ).
