
厂商 :东莞市广兴塑胶材料有限公司

广东 东莞
  • 主营产品:
  • 黑色POM片
  • 黑色PEEK板棒
  • 进口PPS 棒
联系电话 :13688959098
本材料有白色,黑色,蓝色,绿色,米黄色的板材和棒材,坚硬,磨擦系数小,疲劳性质好,韧性高和结晶度有关,耐压耐磨,较高的张力强度,弹性模数,耐温,适家大型元件,广泛用于工业上制造各种机械,仪工,电气零部件,如轴承,齿轮,泵叶轮,风扇叶片,耐油密封垫片,阀门零件, 饮料食品机械,利用耐磨性、耐冲击性、不粘结、卫生无毒性,制作工作板、输送螺杆、起到清洁方便、寿命长、防霉效果,也可作其它卫生部件,名种衬套等。
板材:规格:厚(5~100)*宽1000*长2000mm  棒材:直径(10-350)*1000mm
             厚(5~ 100)*宽1220*长2440mm

This material with a white, black, blue, green, rice sheet and the bar, hard, small friction coefficient, fatigue property good, high toughness and crystallinity, compression wear-resisting, high on the tension strength, elastic modulus, heat resistance, suitable home large devices, widely used in industry manufacture all kinds of mechanical instrument, electrical parts, work, such as bearings, gears, the pump impeller, fan blades, oil resistant sealing gaskets, valve parts, drinks food machinery, using the wear resistance, resistance to impact, not felt, non-toxic, making health board, conveying screw, have clean convenient, long life, mouldproof effect, also can make other health parts milktea herself bushing, etc.

Board: specification: thick (5 to 100) * width of 1000 * 2000 mm long bar: diameter (10 350 * 1000 mm)

Thick (5 to 100) * width of 1220 * 2440 mm long