
厂商 :南京天测科技有限公司

江苏 南京市
  • 主营产品:
  • 非金属超声波检测仪
  • 超声波金属探伤仪
  • 红外热像仪成像仪
联系电话 :13776654499

突起路标耐冲击仪,突起路标耐冲击 南京销售价格突起路标耐冲击仪,突起路标耐冲击 南京销售价格突起路标耐冲击仪,突起路标耐冲击 南京销售价格突起路标耐冲击仪,突起路标耐冲击 南京销售价格突起路标耐冲击仪,突起路标耐冲击测试装置是专为生产、质量监督、工程施工和监理等单位而设计和生产的。具有结构合理、操作简单、适用性广、测量精度高、测量安全及可靠性好等特点。

The bumper road marking impact tester is designed and produced for production, quality supervision, engineering construction and supervision. It has the characteristics of reasonable structure, simple operation, wide applicability, high measurement accuracy, good measurement safety and good reliability.



The bumper road sign impact tester meets the requirements of the national industry standard GB/T24725-2009 "protrusion road sign" on the roadway impact resistance test.



★钢球质量:1040 ±5克

★钢球尽落差:1 米



Protruding road sign impact tester technical indicators:
★ Steel ball quality: 1040 ± 5 grams
★ Steel ball drop: 1 meter
★Dimensions: 100*100*20mm
★ Weight: 10kg






Protruding road sign impact tester operation steps
★Preparation: adjust the bolt of the base so that the bottom surface is level. Place the road markings to be tested on the lower side of the base and parallel to the bottom surface. If the height of the bottom side is not enough, you need to adjust the bolts of the base again, or even use other blocks of equal thickness. The height of the base is high. The stainless steel conduit is mounted in the mount of the base, and the ring switch is placed in a locked state, and the support triangle is formed in the circular tube by the ring switch to form a steel ball seat, that is, an arm of the support triangle is in a cantilever state to support the steel ball.
★ Drop height calibration: Use a tape measure to measure the distance between the upper surface of the raised road sign and the horizontal cantilever of the support triangle.
★Test: While placing the steel ball in the steel ball seat and holding the steel ball seat with the left hand, the right hand quickly dials the ring switch to release the support triangle in the locked state, ensuring that the steel ball freely falls under the impact protruding road sign.
★Measurement: Measure the length and area of surface cracks on the raised road markings with a standard length measuring gauge. And record the measurement data.




Protrusion road sign impact tester structure:
It is mainly composed of steel balls, steel ball seats (support triangles and round tubes), ring switches, stainless steel pipes, bases and adjustable height screws.
