
厂商 :山东青岛海沃机械制造有限公司

山东 青岛
  • 主营产品:
  • 热收缩包装机
  • 无托盒饼干包装机
  • 双伺服包装机
联系电话 :13375563619
HAF series pillow auto packaging machine Main technical parameters:

450/99 HAF of
450/120 HAF of
450/150 HAF of
590/120 HAF of
590/150 HAF of
Packaging materials, the largest width mm 450 450 450 590 590 590
Package Size
L: Length (mm)
B: Width (mm)
H :: height mm L :90-400
B, :10-150
H :5-40 L :90-400
B, :10-150
H-15-60 L :90-400
B, :10-150
H :30-90 L :90-400
B, :30-200
H-15-60 L :90-400
B, :30-200
H :30-90 L :90-400B :30-200
H :40-120
Production capacity
Packs / min 50-180 50-150 50-150 50-150 50-150 50-150
Dimension mm 5000 * 965 * 1750 5000 * 1100 * 1750
Packaging materials are suitable for heat sealing packaging composite film, paper / PE, OPP / PE, PT / AL / PE, and other
Total weight kg 1000 1100
Power supply, power single phase 220V, 50Hz, 3.66kw
Depending on the packaging and packaging requirements, specific technical parameters will vary, as recognized by both the technical parameters prevail.
