
厂商 :高要市金利镇索利五金厂

广东 肇庆
  • 主营产品:
联系电话 :13924465010
技术资料 Technical data
1.       本产品经过30万次开关测试,经国家技术监督部门检定,品质稳定运转正常,符合QS/T2697-2005技术标准。
All floor springs have passed many opening and closing tests,meeting asfe application standards.
2.       内置减压阀,防止因外来强压或强风状态下闭门而造成地弹簧损坏或漏油。
Built-in pressure relief valve to protect the unit against any abuse from strong pressure or strong wind when closing the door.
3.       机体采用优质防冻液压油,确保在不同温度下机件运转平稳、灵活。
Filled with high quality anti-icing hydraulic oil,ensuring smooth and flexible operation lf mechanical parts at different temperatures.
4.       门开启角度高达116度方向选择
Door openning angel at 116°at your option
5.       可选用90度有止动装置或无止动装置
90°Stop device or non-stop device at your option
6.       116度至0度单闭门速度调控阀,以配合不同闭门效果
With single closing speed adjusting valves at 116°~0°to match different closing purposes
7.       通用型设计,适合左右手及单双开启门扇,各使用方式均备有完整配件。
General designed is suitable for openning doors with left/right hand and single/double opening,accessories are available for each means
8.       特设可调式上枢轴,安装简易,调整方便、精确。
Adjustable axis is designed to install and adjust easily& precisely