厂商 :河北衡水开发区广兴滤材有限公司
河北 衡水市- 主营产品:
- 过滤器
- 花管
- 空调井用滤水管
化工用空心桨叶干燥剂楔形网干燥机筛网不锈钢熔接式过滤管是由支撑条和筛条两部分构成。支撑条可以是圆丝也可以是三角形丝或梯形丝,筛条是三角形丝(v型 丝),缝隙尺寸准确,过滤精度高;具有结构坚固 ,耐高温, 耐腐蚀,机械性能好,使用寿命长,安全可靠等特点.可用于 多种介质的过滤。连接方式:焊接和螺纹连接。

Fully welded Guangxing Screen Vee-Wire flat screens are used for de-watering, sizing and media recovery and classiication. Rigid flat panels are resistance welded at each wire and support rod juncture.
These screens are typically used by the coal and iron ore mining industry in mineral processing vibrating screens.
The slot tolerance for the Vee-Wire Screen is ±0.025 mm depending on the size of the wire. Wire sizes vary from 0.5mm to 12.7 mm in size. Wire size and slot size are determined by the application of the screen. Our engineers are able to assist you in your selections
of both.
Johnson Screens can provide any number of individually designed flat panels to suit static screening applications.
Our engineers will assess your application and provide you with a functional framed design that can be easily mounted in your equipment.化工用空心桨叶干燥剂楔形网干燥机筛网