
厂商 :河北新型保温材料有限公司

河北 廊坊市
  • 主营产品:
  • 硅酸铝针刺毯
  • 硅酸铝保温材料
  • 电梯井吸音板
联系电话 :13292606366
防水玻璃棉板/防水玻璃棉板价格/河北防水玻璃棉板厂家直销报价, 防水离心玻璃棉板是离心玻璃棉经过固化处理后制成的具有一定强度的板材制品,无论在高温或低温环境中均能保
 容重:24—96kg/m3      厚度:25-l00mm
 长度:600mm一2400mm    宽度:(Width):600mm一1200mm
项目 单位 本公司产品 测试标准
密度 kg/m3 50-80 GB5480.3-1985
纤维平均直径 µm 5 GB5480.4-1985
吸湿性 % <3% GB10299-1988
导热系数 w/m.k ≤0.04 GB10294-88
不燃性   不燃A级 GB8624-1997
吸声系数   1.03产品混响定法 24kg/m32000HZ GBJ47-83
使用温度 ℃ ≤120 GB11835-89
Centrifugal glass wool felt
Centrifugal glass wool felt
The centrifugal glass wool felt is a kind of scrolling materials made for the large area laying. Besides heat insulation and thermal insulation, it has other advantages such as excellent damping and sound absorption, especially for intermediate and low frequency and all kinds of noise concussion, noise reduction and working environment improvement.
The materials can be cut at random according to the construction requirement.It is mainly used on the following aspects:rooms of buildings,sound reduction system,mean of communication, refrigeration equipments, damping, and sound absorption and noise reduction of domestic electric appliance, which has a satisfatory effect.
The glass wool felt with aluminium foil on the surface has the effect of heat radiation hardening, a lining material mainly used in high-temperature workshops, control room, inner wall of computer lab,isolated room and flat top.
