厂商 :深圳慈贺(香港)发展有限公司
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
- 颈椎牵引器
- 颈椎治疗仪
- 膝关节舒展器
联系电话 :13602623205
奧達力腰椎舒展器是運動、保健、增高於一體的新產品,每天只需10分鍾就可以緩解腰腿的各種不適。 ---------OTARI Neck Stretcher is a new product that exercises, heals, revitalizes and increases your height. Neck, shoulder and back discomfort can be released with a daily treatment of 10 minutes.
产品类别 保健护腰 品牌 奥达力材质 ABS+PP+生物磁 是否自发热 否货号 B001 规格 40cm(長) x 25cm(寬) x 2cm(高)箱装数量 12 产地 香港加印LOGO 不可以 是否提供加工定制 否 奥达力腰椎舒展器作用介绍: 据统计长期从事行走,站立,长时间坐姿不良,职业司机和体力劳动工作人员70%以上的人都不同程度地有腰椎退行性生理病变,例如腰椎生理曲度变直,腰椎间盘突出,腰椎间盘狭窄,腰肌劳损等症引起的腰酸、腰痛、坐骨神经痛等症状。奥达力腰椎舒展器对腰腿的不适症状有著明显的改善作用,是根据物理学理论的原理利用人体自身的重力来达到牵引效果,是一种安全、实用,使用方便的家庭物理运动产品,原理是使腰椎在正常的生理曲线状态下实现柔性的牵引。使腰椎间隙逐渐被拉开,使正常的腰椎保持健康状态,使病变的腰椎得到恢復,腰酸、腰痛的症状得到缓解,同时利用舒展器上的高强生物磁疗按摩点刺激相应的穴位来达到预防及保健的作用,是现代都市家庭必备的保健产品。 Functions: According to statistics, 70% of the people who walk, stand, sit in the wrong position for a long time, and physical labors and drivers, more or less have some forms of lumbar spondylopathies. If the back is under high or extreme pressure for an extended time, it is prone to develop lumbar spondylopathies, such as the straightened physio-curve, slipped disc, narrowed disc space and muscle strain, etc. The symptoms are sore back, back pain, sciatica, etc. The OTARI Back Stretcher is designed based on the theories of kinetics. It is a safe, practical and easy to use family physical exercising device and has significant effect on improving various kinds of back and leg discomfort. The weight of the human body is used in the mechanism of the Stretcher to create a soft traction on the back when it is at its normal physio-curve to maintain the healthy condition of the back. The space between the discs is slowly stretched in order to heal spondylopathies and relieve sore back and back pain. At the same time, the massage points on the Stretcher can stimulate respective points on the body in order to achieve healing and revitalizing effects. It is a health device for any modern household.产品作用:一、恢复腰椎的正常生理结构,调节腰椎骨胳保持健康状态。二、缓解腰椎关节狭窄关节囊以及韧带的钙化。三、缓解压迫神经造成的疼痛。四、松懈粘连预防中央肥胖(腹部)等作用,对于发育期的青少年长期使用则有助于身高增长。五、磁场具有镇痛、消炎、降压、安眠、等作用Benefits: i. Helps to achieve the normal lumbar structure by stretching the discs to keep them healthy.ii. Helps to ease the calcification of ligament and capsula with narrow lumbar arthrosis;iii. Helps to relieve pain caused by pressed nerve; andiv. Helps to release tension and prevent beer stomach (fat stomach). It can also help to enhance height in teenagers during their growing stage. 适用范围: 腰椎活動障礙、腰腿酸胀僵硬、腰椎生理曲度變直。 Applicable Conditions and Preventions: Obstructed back movement, sore and stiff leg and back, and straightened physio-curve.

供应腰椎牵引注意事项 治腰椎病注意事项 奥达力腰椎舒展器---------香港各大医馆,康复理疗中心均有销售。【保健预防比治疗更重要,保护脊椎从现在开始做起】招全国各省市县级地区代理经销商,咨询热线:0755-23908689 13714002579 官方网站:http://www.otarihk.com
健康常识 - 1个回答-解决时间 2010-12-02
外科 -回答质量好- 3个回答-解决时间 2010-04-11
奧達力腰椎舒展器是運動、保健、增高於一體的新產品,每天只需10分鍾就可以緩解腰腿的各種不適。 ---------OTARI Neck Stretcher is a new product that exercises, heals, revitalizes and increases your height. Neck, shoulder and back discomfort can be released with a daily treatment of 10 minutes.
产品类别 保健护腰 品牌 奥达力材质 ABS+PP+生物磁 是否自发热 否货号 B001 规格 40cm(長) x 25cm(寬) x 2cm(高)箱装数量 12 产地 香港加印LOGO 不可以 是否提供加工定制 否 奥达力腰椎舒展器作用介绍: 据统计长期从事行走,站立,长时间坐姿不良,职业司机和体力劳动工作人员70%以上的人都不同程度地有腰椎退行性生理病变,例如腰椎生理曲度变直,腰椎间盘突出,腰椎间盘狭窄,腰肌劳损等症引起的腰酸、腰痛、坐骨神经痛等症状。奥达力腰椎舒展器对腰腿的不适症状有著明显的改善作用,是根据物理学理论的原理利用人体自身的重力来达到牵引效果,是一种安全、实用,使用方便的家庭物理运动产品,原理是使腰椎在正常的生理曲线状态下实现柔性的牵引。使腰椎间隙逐渐被拉开,使正常的腰椎保持健康状态,使病变的腰椎得到恢復,腰酸、腰痛的症状得到缓解,同时利用舒展器上的高强生物磁疗按摩点刺激相应的穴位来达到预防及保健的作用,是现代都市家庭必备的保健产品。 Functions: According to statistics, 70% of the people who walk, stand, sit in the wrong position for a long time, and physical labors and drivers, more or less have some forms of lumbar spondylopathies. If the back is under high or extreme pressure for an extended time, it is prone to develop lumbar spondylopathies, such as the straightened physio-curve, slipped disc, narrowed disc space and muscle strain, etc. The symptoms are sore back, back pain, sciatica, etc. The OTARI Back Stretcher is designed based on the theories of kinetics. It is a safe, practical and easy to use family physical exercising device and has significant effect on improving various kinds of back and leg discomfort. The weight of the human body is used in the mechanism of the Stretcher to create a soft traction on the back when it is at its normal physio-curve to maintain the healthy condition of the back. The space between the discs is slowly stretched in order to heal spondylopathies and relieve sore back and back pain. At the same time, the massage points on the Stretcher can stimulate respective points on the body in order to achieve healing and revitalizing effects. It is a health device for any modern household.产品作用:一、恢复腰椎的正常生理结构,调节腰椎骨胳保持健康状态。二、缓解腰椎关节狭窄关节囊以及韧带的钙化。三、缓解压迫神经造成的疼痛。四、松懈粘连预防中央肥胖(腹部)等作用,对于发育期的青少年长期使用则有助于身高增长。五、磁场具有镇痛、消炎、降压、安眠、等作用Benefits: i. Helps to achieve the normal lumbar structure by stretching the discs to keep them healthy.ii. Helps to ease the calcification of ligament and capsula with narrow lumbar arthrosis;iii. Helps to relieve pain caused by pressed nerve; andiv. Helps to release tension and prevent beer stomach (fat stomach). It can also help to enhance height in teenagers during their growing stage. 适用范围: 腰椎活動障礙、腰腿酸胀僵硬、腰椎生理曲度變直。 Applicable Conditions and Preventions: Obstructed back movement, sore and stiff leg and back, and straightened physio-curve.

供应腰椎牵引注意事项 治腰椎病注意事项 奥达力腰椎舒展器---------香港各大医馆,康复理疗中心均有销售。【保健预防比治疗更重要,保护脊椎从现在开始做起】招全国各省市县级地区代理经销商,咨询热线:0755-23908689 13714002579 官方网站:http://www.otarihk.com
腰椎盘突出牵引床 好不好?
外科 - 3个回答-解决时间 2011-12-29
答:注意二 腰椎病治疗需分型 腰椎病包括诸多疾患,其中腰椎间盘突出在治疗上最为讲究。腰椎间盘突出是由于生活中用力不当,...有助于髓核回缩和纤维环的愈合;在缓解时,可根据病症适当采用牵引、按摩等保守疗法有助于椎间盘的复位,但一定要在专业医师的指导...健康常识 - 1个回答-解决时间 2010-12-02
答:你好。你这主要是由于压迫神经(硬膜嚷)导致腰椎退行性病变使纤维环破裂从而导致髓核突出的。...牵引、针灸或按摩是不可能治愈的 也不可能使突出的髓核消除但是可以起到暂时的缓解作用 长期使用是很不利的 而手术主要是采取切...外科 -回答质量好- 3个回答-解决时间 2010-04-11