厂商 :深圳卡联城
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
- 考勤机
- 旅游景点收费机
- 手持收费POS机
联系电话 :15817430625
深圳市卡联科技有限公司是一家专业从事一卡通的开发、生产、销售、售后于一体的公司,公司秉承“专业铸造品牌,诚信服务大众”的经营理念,以市场为导向,技术创新为核心为了向客户提供更多的服务选择空间,进而满足用户个性化、全方位、多层次的需求,您的满意是我司全体人员永恒不变的追求,卡联人坚持不懈的打造CARDLAN品牌,卡联人愿景:卡联一卡通,一卡通联通天下。卡联人进行多年的刻苦专研,取得广大客户的信赖,同时获得国家机关单位的好评,深圳市卡联技荣获三十多项国家权威证书及十多项专利证书:“国级高新企业技术证书”;“中国质量500强”“中小企业100强”;“中国双软认证企业”“中国AAA级重质量 守信用企业”“中国名优精品”“中国最具竞争力著名品牌” “3C认证 ”“信誉会员”“中国消费者满意名特优品牌 ”“全国产品质量公正十佳品牌”………广泛用于:固定票价收费机,城市公交手持收费机、卡联典型案例:丽江公交、楚雄公交、榆林公交、海阳公交、九台公交、资阳公交等全国共300家公交公司……
公厂家供应/车载收费机/车载刷卡机/刷卡车载收费机的适用范围: ★城市公共交通巴士收费 ★单位接送巴士收费 ★校园接送巴士收费 ★花园小区巴士收费…… 公交车刷卡机\公交车打卡机\城市公交车刷卡机的系统概述: 城市公交的“无人售票”系统经过多年的运作,在管理上已日趋完善,但新的课题又呈现在我们的面前。“零钞不够”,这是实行无人售票以来乘客与公交公司之间最大的矛盾。“无人售票”对车辆的承运速度和业务管理无疑是起很大的促进作用,但是由于“不设找赎”,对身上没有足够零钞的乘客来讲,肯定是增加了经济负担,这正是推行 “无人售票”之后,乘客最大意见之处。“无人售票”需要完善,另外随着经济环境的变化,取消月票,也是势在必行。非接触式IC卡技术的推出为实现城市公交自动收费提供了现代技术的支持。公交车刷卡机\公交车打卡机\城市公交车刷卡机车载收费机
读卡时间: ≤0.3秒
显示方式: LCD液晶显示
工程温度: -10℃~60℃/-25℃~65℃(宽温型)
支持卡片:mifare oneS50卡,CPU卡,2.4G手机卡
Card selling and recharging points can be divided into the online card selling and recharging points and the offline ones.
Online card selling and recharging point is mainly responsible for the card’s selling, recharging, annual inspection, refunding, supplement, loss report, loss report elimination and other work, which is because the online card selling and recharging point implements the real-time access to the central database, and it can obtain all the information related to IC card inside the system at real-time. The online card selling and recharging point usually serves as IC card system’s passenger service center.
Offline card selling and recharging point is responsible for the card’s selling, recharging and annual inspection. The offline card selling and recharging point collects the daily card selling and recharging information to IC card management center through the network.
Offline card selling and recharging point can only carry out the card’s selling, recharging and annual inspection, which is due to the offline card selling and recharging point can not implement the real-time access to the central database, and thus cannot obtain the card’s liquidation states and relevant information of the card’s selling, recharging and loss report, as a result the work of card’s refunding, supplement, loss report, loss report elimination and others can not be implemented.
The overall structure of the system includes IC card management center, card selling and recharging points, data collection points and the on-vehicle machines equipped for every bus as well as various kinds of IC cards. Passengers can carry out bus taking consumption after procured the passenger card at the card selling and recharging point and recharged a certain amount of money. When the balance in the card is not sufficient, it can be recharged at the card selling and recharging point. The card selling and recharging point and the data collection point transmit the transaction data of the card selling and recharging together with the bus’s consumption to IC card management center, then the center stores the card selling and recharging data sent from various card selling and recharging points and the daily transaction data of the vehicles’ operation uniformly. IC card management center stores all the data inside the system, and implements corresponding processing, statistics and analysis, at the same time carries out the liquidation.
深圳市卡联科技有限公司是一家专业从事一卡通的开发、生产、销售、售后于一体的公司,公司秉承“专业铸造品牌,诚信服务大众”的经营理念,以市场为导向,技术创新为核心为了向客户提供更多的服务选择空间,进而满足用户个性化、全方位、多层次的需求,您的满意是我司全体人员永恒不变的追求,卡联人坚持不懈的打造CARDLAN品牌,卡联人愿景:卡联一卡通,一卡通联通天下。卡联人进行多年的刻苦专研,取得广大客户的信赖,同时获得国家机关单位的好评,深圳市卡联技荣获三十多项国家权威证书及十多项专利证书:“国级高新企业技术证书”;“中国质量500强”“中小企业100强”;“中国双软认证企业”“中国AAA级重质量 守信用企业”“中国名优精品”“中国最具竞争力著名品牌” “3C认证 ”“信誉会员”“中国消费者满意名特优品牌 ”“全国产品质量公正十佳品牌”………广泛用于:固定票价收费机,城市公交手持收费机、卡联典型案例:丽江公交、楚雄公交、榆林公交、海阳公交、九台公交、资阳公交等全国共300家公交公司……
公厂家供应/车载收费机/车载刷卡机/刷卡车载收费机的适用范围: ★城市公共交通巴士收费 ★单位接送巴士收费 ★校园接送巴士收费 ★花园小区巴士收费…… 公交车刷卡机\公交车打卡机\城市公交车刷卡机的系统概述: 城市公交的“无人售票”系统经过多年的运作,在管理上已日趋完善,但新的课题又呈现在我们的面前。“零钞不够”,这是实行无人售票以来乘客与公交公司之间最大的矛盾。“无人售票”对车辆的承运速度和业务管理无疑是起很大的促进作用,但是由于“不设找赎”,对身上没有足够零钞的乘客来讲,肯定是增加了经济负担,这正是推行 “无人售票”之后,乘客最大意见之处。“无人售票”需要完善,另外随着经济环境的变化,取消月票,也是势在必行。非接触式IC卡技术的推出为实现城市公交自动收费提供了现代技术的支持。公交车刷卡机\公交车打卡机\城市公交车刷卡机车载收费机
读卡时间: ≤0.3秒
显示方式: LCD液晶显示
工程温度: -10℃~60℃/-25℃~65℃(宽温型)
支持卡片:mifare oneS50卡,CPU卡,2.4G手机卡
Card selling and recharging points can be divided into the online card selling and recharging points and the offline ones.
Online card selling and recharging point is mainly responsible for the card’s selling, recharging, annual inspection, refunding, supplement, loss report, loss report elimination and other work, which is because the online card selling and recharging point implements the real-time access to the central database, and it can obtain all the information related to IC card inside the system at real-time. The online card selling and recharging point usually serves as IC card system’s passenger service center.
Offline card selling and recharging point is responsible for the card’s selling, recharging and annual inspection. The offline card selling and recharging point collects the daily card selling and recharging information to IC card management center through the network.
Offline card selling and recharging point can only carry out the card’s selling, recharging and annual inspection, which is due to the offline card selling and recharging point can not implement the real-time access to the central database, and thus cannot obtain the card’s liquidation states and relevant information of the card’s selling, recharging and loss report, as a result the work of card’s refunding, supplement, loss report, loss report elimination and others can not be implemented.
The overall structure of the system includes IC card management center, card selling and recharging points, data collection points and the on-vehicle machines equipped for every bus as well as various kinds of IC cards. Passengers can carry out bus taking consumption after procured the passenger card at the card selling and recharging point and recharged a certain amount of money. When the balance in the card is not sufficient, it can be recharged at the card selling and recharging point. The card selling and recharging point and the data collection point transmit the transaction data of the card selling and recharging together with the bus’s consumption to IC card management center, then the center stores the card selling and recharging data sent from various card selling and recharging points and the daily transaction data of the vehicles’ operation uniformly. IC card management center stores all the data inside the system, and implements corresponding processing, statistics and analysis, at the same time carries out the liquidation.