
厂商 :西安金绿生物工程技术有限公司

陕西 西安
  • 主营产品:
  • 苦参碱
  • 柚皮甙
  • 左旋肉碱
联系电话 :15129390969
               THE  BRIEF  INTRODUCTION TO Zeaxanthin
[产品名称-KinGreen]:  玉米黄质
[英文名称-KinGreen]:  Zeaxanthin
[产品别名-KinGreen]:  玉米黄素;玉米黄酯;玉米黃質
[产品来源-KinGreen]: 由菊科植物金盏花Marigold(亦称万寿菊,Tagetes erecta)的花瓣提取而得属于类胡萝卜素[西安金绿]
[产品CAS-KinGreen]:  144-68-3
[ENNISC-KinGreen]:  205-636-4
[ -KinGreen]:   C40H56O2
[ -KinGreen]:  568.87
[物理性状-KinGreen]:  脂溶性粉末或油状物,为β胡萝卜素的衍生物,溶于乙醚、石油醚、丙酮、酯类等有机溶剂,不溶于水,在体内不能转化为Va,没有Va活性,对光、热稳定性差,尤其光照对玉米黄质影响最大;对Fe3+Al3+的稳定性也较差,但对其它离子、酸、碱及还原剂Na2SO3等较稳定[西安金绿]
[产品熔点-KinGreen]:  203-205C
[产品规格-KinGreen]:  西安金绿公司长期供应5%  10%  50%
[检测方法-KinGreen]:   高效液相色谱法
[ ProductBrand ]:  西安金绿-Xi’an KinGreen
[药理作用-KinGreen]: 1. 预防老化性黄斑退化症(老年人失明的主要病因);2. 预防白内障、内膜中层增厚、心脏病[西安金绿]3. 改善视网膜色素变性患者的病症;4. 降低色相差,使视力更精准;保护视网膜在吸收光线时免受氧化伤害;5. 抗癌作用,阻止癌细胞的扩散。
[Study At Abroad]: Lutein and zeaxanthin are compounds called xanthophylls (ZAN-thuh-fills), which are yellow pigments that occur naturally in many plants and vegetables. Xanthophylls belong to a class of organic compounds called carotenoids, which also includes orange and red plant pigments. Though lutein is considered a yellow pigment, in high concentrations it appears orange-red.In nature, lutein and zeaxanthin appear to absorb excess light energy to prevent damage to plants from too much sunlight, especially from high-energy light rays called blue light.In addition to being found in many green leafy plants and colorful fruits and vegetables, lutein and zeaxanthin are found in high concentrations in the macula of the human eye, giving the macula its yellowish color. In fact, the macula also is called the "macula lutea" (from the Latin macula, meaning "spot," and lutea, meaning "yellow").Recent research has discovered a third xanthophyll in the macula. Called meso-zeaxanthin, this carotenoid is not found in food sources and appears to be created in the retina from ingested lutein.Lutein and zeaxanthin appear to have important antioxidant functions in the body. Along with other natural antioxidants, including vitamin C, beta carotene and vitamin E, these xanthophylls guard the body from damaging effects of free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can destroy cells and play a role in many diseases.In addition to important eye and vision benefits, lutein may help protect against atherosclerosis (buildup of fatty deposits in arteries), the disease that leads to most heart attacks. The information above is provided by Xi’an KinGreen Bioengineering CO.,LTD.
[供应厂家-KinGreen]: 西安金绿生物工程技术有限公司 
[产品应用-KinGreen]: 广泛应用于食品(GB2760-86 规定:最大使用量0.5%)、保健品、化妆品、医药及饲料。
[保存方法-KinGreen]: 通风干燥,阴凉,避强光。
[产品包装-KinGreen]: 1KG/灭菌铝箔袋;25KG/纸板桶;西安金绿公司可根据客户要求对产品具体包装。
[有效期限-KinGreen]:  24个月