厂商 :惠州市惠城区博飞测绘仪器经营部
广东 惠州市- 主营产品:
- 经纬仪
- 水准仪和垂准仪
- 投线仪
联系电话 :13322642217
英国雷迪RD7000管线探测仪 用 途:建筑行、水行业、电力行业、电信行业等 在地下日益复杂的管网中寻找个别管道和线缆越来越复杂。不同土壤造成的畸变效应,以及其他导体影响,使地下管线探测工作更困难、更耗时。由此,对管线探测仪的要求就越来越高,设备必须易用、准确、可靠。RD7000便是针对这种情况下,使用多项专利技术研制生产的,其主要特点是易用、准确、可靠。 建筑行业专用 多种标准频率、结构结实、可靠的多功能定位仪。 RD7000DL 水行业专用 管道定位和检测行业专业人员专用设备,应用行业包括下水、锅炉和化工厂。 RD7000PL 电力行业专用 能准确识别大型复杂电力网下目标电缆。 RD7000TL 电信行业专用 能识别大捆双绞电信电缆里的个别电缆。 广州RD7000管线探测仪 Product info Locating specific pipes and cables in large underground networks is becoming increasingly complex. Ground distortion effects, caused by differing soil types and proximity to other conductors , make the operator’s job more difficult and time-consuming. The most important requirements for a locator under these circumstances are ease of use, accuracy and reliability. Radiodetection’s RD7000 addresses this need with several groundbreaking features that deliver accurate, reliable and repeatable measurements. RD7000SL Construction Industry A broad range of standard active frequencies and rugged construction make the RD7000SL a reliable and versatile locator. RD7000DL Water Industry For contract technicians working in pipe location and inspection, from sewers to maritime boilers, to petrochemical plants. RD7000PL Power Industry The RD7000PL identifies the target cable reliably, even in areas of large-scale, trunked cable deployment of complex electrical networks. RD7000TL Telecom Industry Large bundled pairs of cables require specialized location equipment to find a selected signal. |
公 司: 广东省惠州市测绘仪器有限公司
主 营: 精密全站仪、高精度测量机器人、全站仪、水准仪、垂准仪、全站式陀螺仪
价 格: 面议
邮 箱:20573250@qq.com
手 机:13322642217
地 址:惠州市惠城区桥东桃子园达利商务中心202号(即西枝江大桥东侧桥头处)