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厂商 :慈贺香港发展有限公司(招商代理)
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
- 颈椎牵引器
- 腰椎牵引器
- 奥达力弧形枕
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供应针灸治疗颈椎病 颈椎病的针灸治疗 针灸能治颈椎病吗:奥达力磁疗针
销售方式: 出口, 制造, 服务销售
磁疗(Magnetotherapy) 即所谓的磁场治疗,是利用磁力或磁场治疗疾病之方法的统称,把治疗的部位置于可变动的磁场中,试图根据磁场产生磁对人体组织产生影响以达到一种非侵入式的治疗目的. Size:长140.4mm) x 12mm(直径) 重量: 116.6克。 Functions: Otari magnetotherapy needle is made by high power permanent magnetic substance, its surfaces magnetic field > 4200 Gauss. When in use its magnetic beam can penetrate into the body by 6-9 cm, which is almost equivalent to the depth of traditional acupuncture. Characteristics: Since its needle head will not penetrate into the human body, therefore, user would not have fear. However, its healing function is similar to that of traditional acupuncture. Magnetic (Magnetotherapy) the so-called magnetic therapy is the use of magnetic or magnetic treatment of diseases of the methods referred to treatment sites placed in a variable magnetic field in an attempt to produce under the magnetic field effect on the human organism in order to achieve a non-invasive type of therapeutic purposes. .
產品作用: 止痛、消炎效果好,针到痛止,尤其对关节炎及劳损等慢性病的治疗效果尤为明显,对高血压、心臟病、失眠、便秘、头痛等症,长期使用会有明显的改善作用。 Benefits:Superior on pain-relief and anti-inflammation. Just point and the pain will be stopped. Healing effects are significant particular to arthritis and chronic diseases such as strains. Prolonged use will significantly improve high blood pressure, heart disease, insomnia, constipation and headache.
使用方法:很多人担心找不准穴位,其实不必担心,因为磁疗针是用磁场治疗不须刺入体内它的磁场范围在3cm左右、因此对穴位要求不必精确、只要找到痛点也就是中医所讲的(阿是穴)那就是有效点。每天使用1-2次,每次10-15分钟, 慢性病10天为一疗程。 How to use: Many people are worry about not finding the correct acting point, in fact this worry is unnecessary because the magnetotherapy needle is functioning through magnetic field instead of piecing directly into the human body, and its effective magnetic field is about 3cm in diameter, therefore, it is not required to act on the point precisely. All you have to do is to find the point of pain, and this functional point is called the Ashi point in traditional Chinese medicine. Use the needle once or twice daily, each time 10-15 minutes. (Note: please use it patiently, to get the best result you should feel aching, numb, swelling and a bit pain around the healing point.) To use the needle according to personal tolerance, and for patient with chronic disease one healing period is 10 days. Prolonged use of it will produce unexpected results.
50mm(長) x 9mm(直徑) 重量: 500克

销售方式: 出口, 制造, 服务销售

磁疗(Magnetotherapy) 即所谓的磁场治疗,是利用磁力或磁场治疗疾病之方法的统称,把治疗的部位置于可变动的磁场中,试图根据磁场产生磁对人体组织产生影响以达到一种非侵入式的治疗目的. Size:长140.4mm) x 12mm(直径) 重量: 116.6克。 Functions: Otari magnetotherapy needle is made by high power permanent magnetic substance, its surfaces magnetic field > 4200 Gauss. When in use its magnetic beam can penetrate into the body by 6-9 cm, which is almost equivalent to the depth of traditional acupuncture. Characteristics: Since its needle head will not penetrate into the human body, therefore, user would not have fear. However, its healing function is similar to that of traditional acupuncture. Magnetic (Magnetotherapy) the so-called magnetic therapy is the use of magnetic or magnetic treatment of diseases of the methods referred to treatment sites placed in a variable magnetic field in an attempt to produce under the magnetic field effect on the human organism in order to achieve a non-invasive type of therapeutic purposes. .
產品作用: 止痛、消炎效果好,针到痛止,尤其对关节炎及劳损等慢性病的治疗效果尤为明显,对高血压、心臟病、失眠、便秘、头痛等症,长期使用会有明显的改善作用。 Benefits:Superior on pain-relief and anti-inflammation. Just point and the pain will be stopped. Healing effects are significant particular to arthritis and chronic diseases such as strains. Prolonged use will significantly improve high blood pressure, heart disease, insomnia, constipation and headache.
使用方法:很多人担心找不准穴位,其实不必担心,因为磁疗针是用磁场治疗不须刺入体内它的磁场范围在3cm左右、因此对穴位要求不必精确、只要找到痛点也就是中医所讲的(阿是穴)那就是有效点。每天使用1-2次,每次10-15分钟, 慢性病10天为一疗程。 How to use: Many people are worry about not finding the correct acting point, in fact this worry is unnecessary because the magnetotherapy needle is functioning through magnetic field instead of piecing directly into the human body, and its effective magnetic field is about 3cm in diameter, therefore, it is not required to act on the point precisely. All you have to do is to find the point of pain, and this functional point is called the Ashi point in traditional Chinese medicine. Use the needle once or twice daily, each time 10-15 minutes. (Note: please use it patiently, to get the best result you should feel aching, numb, swelling and a bit pain around the healing point.) To use the needle according to personal tolerance, and for patient with chronic disease one healing period is 10 days. Prolonged use of it will produce unexpected results.
适用范围:失眠、血压高、冠心病、便秘、风湿、类风湿关节炎、颈肩痛、腰腿痛、慢性劳损等。美容方面 ﹕黑眼圈、眼袋、眼角鱼尾纹。 Applicable Conditions:Initial phrase of bruise and sprain, damaged skin area, strong reaction towards magnetic field are forbidden to use; furthermore, after use of it the skin colour may have visible change, and this is a sign depending on the seriousness of your illness, the colour will disappear a few days later.
科学家经由实行和察看发现,磁场效应有益安康。所谓磁场效应就是磁场效果于人体后惹起的生物效应。归结起来有以下几个方面: 1.促进细胞代谢,活化细胞,然后加快细胞内废料和有害物质渗出。 2.均衡内排泄系统。 3.促进血液轮回,改善微轮回形态。 4.促进炎症衰退,消弭炎症肿胀和痛苦。 5.双向调理血压,尤其能使高血压降低。 6.进步红细胞的携氧才能,降低血液粘度。 7.加强和改善人体免疫功用,进步人体对疾病的抵当才能。 8.有抗衰老效果,肃清体内积压的自在基。 9.改善血脂代谢,有降低胆固醇效果。 10.消弭委靡、促进膂力恢复。 11.冷静效果,消弭掉眠和神经严重。 上述各种磁场效应,的确对人体安康能起到有益效果,是人类幻想的安康之宝。 ![]() |
50mm(長) x 9mm(直徑) 重量: 500克
