工業表面的清潔和消毒,主要適用於食品工業,製作飲料和食物的地方。在世界的各國工業表面的清潔和消毒都變的越來越嚴格。 而且,在各國的法制制定和環保的訂立下都有嚴格要求和標準,工業的前提必須要消毒,運輸工具也要消毒。逃避不了的一系列的責任和不可以忽視的麻煩:例如使用的消毒劑是有毒的,因此在消毒後必須要沖洗,徹底消除毒劑。消毒因此變得非常昂貴,還要始終如一考慮這勞動,是非常麻煩和討論的事。廢水。排放在下水道裏,會深深地影響和破壞環境,因此直接危害自己及下一代,並會導致金錢處罰及法律責任。 因此尋找高效的和對周圍環境有益的清潔劑及消毒系統是必然的,既可遵守有效的規則有可以保護環境,那蒸汽是最好解決這問題的辦法。 蒸汽代表著最好的解決辦法,可以減到最少的消耗成本,免除清潔劑和消毒劑。在實際和經濟上允許清潔任何的表面,甚至幾乎接觸不到的地方,並且不需要任何化學產品。蒸汽容易使用、安全,並且沒有污染。 而且經濟實惠,實際上蒸汽來源於水,成本相當低。並且必須考慮它總是非常容易就可以取得。最後當使用蒸汽時,他可以徹底的避免使用任何的消毒劑和清潔劑。在事實上計算,蒸汽比清潔劑和消毒劑還可以降低13%的時間和90%的成本。 因此有AR蒸汽機械,使你更省錢、省時及環保,令你和家人生活得更健康、更美好! | |
Industrial surface cleaning and disinfecting, mainly in the case of food industry, where drinks and food are processed, is becoming more and more demanding throughout the world. What is more, the establishment of law in any country and regulation of environmental stand surely will comply with specific standards in terms of working premise disinfecting as well as tools and transportation means. Such an inescapable duty clashes with a series of different and no longer negligible inconveniences: disinfectants are toxic and therefore are to be entirely removed at the end of the disinfecting cycle after being consistently rinsed. Disinfecting therefore becomes extremely expensive, taking the consistent labour requested into account as well as a further consistent nuisance. Waste waters, released into the sewage system, can deeply affect and damage the microbial flora within depurators thus possibly leading to its consistent loss of efficiency. What is more, liquid wastes holding disinfectant residues can easily openly and pollute environmental, leading to penal consequences for whoever is liable for their discharge. Companies looking for a cleaning and disinfecting system that is effective and environmental friendly are inevitable, as to comply with regulations in force and protect environment. Possibly steam represents the best solution to solve the problem. Steam represents the best solution as it allows to cut to the bare minimum if not to get rid of any detergent or disinfectant. Steam allows to practically and economically clean any surface, even hardly reachable, with no chemical product demanded. Steam is easy to use, safe and environmental friendly, as it is not polluting at all. What is more, it is economic. In fact steam comes from water, whose cost is rather low, and it is also necessary to take0 into account that it is always within reach. Finally when using steam, it is possible to entirely get rid of any disinfectant or detergent. It was in fact calculated that, taking the same installation into account, steam lowers cleaning and disinfecting demanded time by 13%, while it cuts costs by 90% in terms of detergents and disinfectants. With AR steam cleaners you not only save money and time, but environmental too. Make you and your families have more healthy and smart living! | |