厂商 :浙江中宏防爆电气有限公司
浙江 温州市- 主营产品:
- 防爆轴流风机
- 防爆节能灯
- 防爆磁力起动器
联系电话 :18058370188
BMTD防爆高杆灯(IIB、IIC) Explosion-proof High-pole Lamp Series BMTD(IIB、IIC) |
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1. 防爆高杆灯适用于石油、化工、机场、港口、码头、高速公路立交桥、广场、停车场等大面积照明,照明面积可达30000平方米,照明效果好,光源集中,易于供电与配电,维修方便等特点。 2. 防爆高杆灯可由灯盘、灯杆、升降机构、配重电气装置等五个部分组成,并设有避雷装置。 3. 高杆灯可做到10米到35米不等,灯盘上灯的数量和灯的高度由用户选定。根据用户需要还可以做成各种升、降式灯塔,参数和外形由用户选定。 4. 高杆灯设计执行的规范和标准。 1)GBJ17-88钢结构设计规范 2)GBJ135-90高耸结构设计规范 3)抗地震等级按8级检验 4)计算风压取值按80公斤/平方米 5)基础设计执行GBJ-89建筑基础设计规范 6)GB3836-2000标准 7)GB12476.1-2000标准 8)IEC60079标准 9)IEC61241标准 |
1. The explosive resistance high post light can service at such place as airport, port, dock, crossroad of highway, park and in such industry as petroleum, chemistry and so on. The cover can be of 3,000 sqm2 with high intensity. The light sources feature high concentration which assure economic power supply and distribution, maintenance and repair. 2. Explosion-proof high-pole lamp is composed of lamp, lamp pole, elevator, electrical installation, and suppose lightning arrester. 3. The length of the high post light can be of from 10m to 35m. The light quantity and light height can at the clients request. The height-adjusting light can be order-made and the parameter and appearance can be at the clients choice. 4. Executive regulation and standard for high post light 1) GBJ17-88 Design regulation for steel structure 2) GBJ135-90 Top structure design regulation 3) Adopt grade-8 for anti-earthquake check 4) Adopt 80kg/m2 for calculation of wind pressure 5) Adopt GBJ-89 architecture foundationfooting design regulation for foundation footing design 6) GB3836-2000 criterion 7) GB12476.1-2000 8) IEC60079 9) IEC61241 |
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