Agilent / HP 8120-4782 Description:
These Cables are precision 50ohms RF interconnect cables for the 8753 network analyzer to 85046A or 85047A s parameter test sets.
The cables use slotless N type connectors for low SWR and are cut to precise lengths for equal time delay (phase matching).
Typical phase match error is less than 2 degrees at 6GHz among a set of four cables.
Each cable is swept to 6GHz, but is usable to 18GHz.
These cables also can be used with the 35677A, 8503A, and 87511A 50ohms parameter test sets in place of the 8120 4387 RF cables.
Sold in matched sets of four and standard length of 7.5 inches (19.05cm).
厂商 :深圳市德力顺科技有限公司
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
- 防静电
- 电子工具
- 生产辅料
联系电话 :18688932800
是否提供加工定制 | 否 | 型号 | 8120-4782 |
芯数 | 4 | 护套材质 | 0 |
拉伸强度 | 0 | 电线最大外径 | 5.5(mm) |
绝缘厚度 | 1.5(mm) | 产品认证 | ISO9001 |
现货库存原装安捷伦Agilent N(M)-N(M)RF Cable 射频测试线8120-4782。全新!
MB :18688932800
QQ :1272198407

MB :18688932800
QQ :1272198407

Agilent / HP 8120-4782 Key Points:
- 50ohms of impedance.
- 7.5 inches of length.
- 6GHz of cable swept.