
厂商 :上海嘉展仪器设备有限公司

上海 上海
  • 主营产品:
  • 真空泵
  • 真空干燥箱
  • 电炉
联系电话 :13661572766
适用范围:  新一代PH系列干燥/培养两用箱,集公司多年生产经验,引进消化德国技术,具有高质、可靠、安全等特点,采用风机进行空气强迫对流的新型干燥/培养相互转换使用的两用箱,对大专院校、科研和生产部门都有直的帮助,并提供了可靠的保证。该产品可供工矿企业、化验室、科研单位即作干燥、烘焙、熔腊、灭菌之用又可作培养、育种及其它恒温试验用。。
Scope:The latest PH series Oven / Incubator)dual-purpose) integrates many-year experience of our company. With the technology introduced and absorbed from Germany. it is top-quality. safe and reliable. This new oven / incubator for dual-purpose well as reliable guarantee to colleges. scientific research and manufacture departments.
Construction  features:
     *Specular stainless-steel chamber. semicircuar arcs at corners for easy cleaning.and the space between the shelves in the chamber is adjustable.
     *Microprocessor temperature controller ensures a precise and reliable conyrol.(Intelligent programble LCDtemperature contoller is an option).
      *Forced warm-air xirculation design ensures a unifom temperature in chamber.
      *Closed-cell silicon gasket and double glass door design make observation easy and clear.

  主要技术指标: Primary technical indexes:

* 控 温 范 围: Temperature contral scope: 干燥时80 ℃-200℃ 、培养时RT+3 ℃-80℃

* 温 度 波 动:  Temperature flctuation:              ±1%

* 温度分辨率:   Temperature contral :                ±0.1℃
* 额定功率(KW):Rated power (KW) :                1.1

* 电 压 /  电 源:  Voltage / powe :               220V±10%   /  50HZ+2%

* 工作室尺寸(cm):Size of work room ( cm ) :   36×36×42

* 外形尺寸(cm):Outine Size ( cm ) :                 59×56×55

 包装尺寸(cm): Package Size ( cm ) :               63 ×61× 60

 净重/毛重(Kg): Net /gross weight ( kg ) ;         36  /    40

