厂商 :深圳恒泰富复合材料有限公司业务
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
- 防腐采光瓦
- 玻璃钢采光瓦
- 玻璃钢平板
联系电话 :13316541494
1、玻璃钢胶衣平板:产品表面有抗老化耐黄变胶衣层,具有高光洁度,平滑美观,主要用于保温、冷藏车厢的外表板或建筑行业的室内装修。 2、玻璃钢平板:产品表面无胶衣层,用于夹芯板,保温、冷藏车厢或工业建筑的内衬板。
Fiberglass reinforced plastic panel
Composed of thermosetting plastics and reinforced fiberglass. Greater than that of steel products and aluminum products in specific tenacity. Products in the ultralow temperature or high temperature will not happen brittle fracture, deformation and to prevent heat transfer. Corrosion products in the environment anti-aging, yellowing resistant, corrosion resistant, friction resistance, easy to clean. Products can be an alternative color steel, aluminum, stainless steel plates, etc
联系人:范文正 手机: 13316541494
1、玻璃钢胶衣平板:产品表面有抗老化耐黄变胶衣层,具有高光洁度,平滑美观,主要用于保温、冷藏车厢的外表板或建筑行业的室内装修。 2、玻璃钢平板:产品表面无胶衣层,用于夹芯板,保温、冷藏车厢或工业建筑的内衬板。
▲ 抗渗透性强、不形变:壁板采用波形板上下搭接处理,玻璃钢面板具有不透水性,使水自动流下,不会产生外流,因此冷却塔的方形边壁板耐水性极佳,对雨水、酸、碱、盐等介质具有极好的化学稳定性; ▲ 水槽底板采用大面积整块平面板做底,用手工糊制的边槽板做挡水边,采用特殊胶水现场安排制作,工艺简单、快捷、防渗水性能优; ▲ 产品机械强度高,机制产品的强度远高于手工制作产品的强度;
Fiberglass reinforced plastic panel
Composed of thermosetting plastics and reinforced fiberglass. Greater than that of steel products and aluminum products in specific tenacity. Products in the ultralow temperature or high temperature will not happen brittle fracture, deformation and to prevent heat transfer. Corrosion products in the environment anti-aging, yellowing resistant, corrosion resistant, friction resistance, easy to clean. Products can be an alternative color steel, aluminum, stainless steel plates, etc
联系人:范文正 手机: 13316541494