厂商 :广东嘉瑜环保材料科技有限公司
广东 广州市- 主营产品:
- 窗帘
- 满铺地毯
- 方块地毯
联系电话 :13824430268
JiaYu is a curtain solution provider that is engaged in both curtain R&D,design, and manufacturing. Our products have so far reached into USA, UK,Gearmany, Australia and also countries in africa and middle east. We provide full-range imported and domestic vertical window blind,reel curtain;Bamboo,wood,PLEATED BLIND,aluminum alloy blinds curtain;Roman window blind,cloth window blind, electrically operated visor serial products and carpet. Due to the strong competitiveness of our product solution, our products have been walmly welcomed in the international market. Owning a 1000 M2 production site, Jiayu has a complete set of manufacturing facility operated by a professional team. We have been observing sincerity and quality in each deal with our partners, and their voices have ever been of the most importance to us. The past is the history, and we will ride on our reputation and continue to deliver the best services to our clients
JiaYu is a curtain solution provider that is engaged in both curtain R&D,design, and manufacturing. Our products have so far reached into USA, UK,Gearmany, Australia and also countries in africa and middle east. We provide full-range imported and domestic vertical window blind,reel curtain;Bamboo,wood,PLEATED BLIND,aluminum alloy blinds curtain;Roman window blind,cloth window blind, electrically operated visor serial products and carpet. Due to the strong competitiveness of our product solution, our products have been walmly welcomed in the international market. Owning a 1000 M2 production site, Jiayu has a complete set of manufacturing facility operated by a professional team. We have been observing sincerity and quality in each deal with our partners, and their voices have ever been of the most importance to us. The past is the history, and we will ride on our reputation and continue to deliver the best services to our clients
- 供应用于办公场所使用的办公卷帘
- 供应增城新塘办公窗帘厂价批发/手动遮光卷帘/电动窗帘/防晒窗帘/隔热窗帘
- 供应广州珠江新城高档办公室窗帘批发/铝百叶窗帘/遮光卷帘/会议室窗帘
- 供应广州科学城办公窗帘工程批发/遮光卷帘/布艺窗帘/百叶窗帘
- 供应东莞电动窗帘批发/办公室电动布艺窗帘/电动天棚帘/电动舞台幕
- 供应东莞企业办公遮阳窗帘/防水窗帘/遮光卷帘
- 供应广州经济开发区麻涌办公窗帘批发/遮光卷帘/垂帘/百叶帘
- 供应广州高档会所别墅窗帘设计个性订制/高档椴木百叶窗帘/环保竹百叶窗帘
- 供应珠三角地区广告遮阳窗帘专业订制/喷画卷帘/写真窗帘订制
- 供应增城中新办公窗帘厂价直销批发/办公室窗帘/宿舍窗帘/卷帘/百叶窗帘