厂商 :常州市森焱照明工程有限公司
江苏 常州- 主营产品:
- 高杆灯 路灯 景观灯
- 风光互补系列
- 隧道灯 防爆灯
联系电话 :18014338656
* 产品尺寸:Φ26*603 mm(圆型管)
Φ26*300 mm(圆型管)
* 灯管类型:双面灯泡排列
* 材质:PC
* 工作温度:-30℃ ~+ 55℃
* 输入电压:AC/DC 12V-24V
* 灯管功率:2 W
* LED数量:96 PCS
64 PCS
* 可视角度:360
* 防护等级: IP65
* 使用寿命:> 30,000 hrs
* 颜色: 白、暖白、红、蓝、黄、绿、橙、粉红等。

产品特点: LED流星雨灯是直管LED照明系列灯中的景观、装饰灯,灯亮具有流星划过夜空效果,突破传统竟观灯视觉审美极限,可挂在树木,屋沿下,墙壁表面,特别适合做政府工程挂在街道两旁的树木上以及公园、旅游景点、绿化带等,为生活增添美景。
LED meteor light is the stright tube sery, used especially for decoration. When it is on, the light looks like meteors coming across the sky, because of this light effect, it is named LED meteor light.
Govermental lighting projects; decoration for buildings, streets, gardens, rivers, trees, shopping malls, night scene,and various kinds of places of entertainment.Applications:
产品特点: LED流星雨灯是直管LED照明系列灯中的景观、装饰灯,灯亮具有流星划过夜空效果,突破传统竟观灯视觉审美极限,可挂在树木,屋沿下,墙壁表面,特别适合做政府工程挂在街道两旁的树木上以及公园、旅游景点、绿化带等,为生活增添美景。
LED meteor light is the stright tube sery, used especially for decoration. When it is on, the light looks like meteors coming across the sky, because of this light effect, it is named LED meteor light.
Govermental lighting projects; decoration for buildings, streets, gardens, rivers, trees, shopping malls, night scene,and various kinds of places of entertainment.Applications:
产品特点: LED流星雨灯是直管LED照明系列灯中的景观、装饰灯,灯亮具有流星划过夜空效果,突破传统竟观灯视觉审美极限,可挂在树木,屋沿下,墙壁表面,特别适合做政府工程挂在街道两旁的树木上以及公园、旅游景点、绿化带等,为生活增添美景。
LED meteor light is the stright tube sery, used especially for decoration. When it is on, the light looks like meteors coming across the sky, because of this light effect, it is named LED meteor light.
* 产品尺寸:Φ26*603 mm(圆型管)
Φ26*300 mm(圆型管)
* 灯管类型:双面灯泡排列
* 材质:PC
* 工作温度:-30℃ ~+ 55℃
* 输入电压:AC/DC 12V-24V
* 灯管功率:2 W
* LED数量:96 PCS
64 PCS
* 可视角度:360
* 防护等级: IP65
* 使用寿命:> 30,000 hrs
* 颜色: 白、暖白、红、蓝、黄、绿、橙、粉红等。

产品特点: LED流星雨灯是直管LED照明系列灯中的景观、装饰灯,灯亮具有流星划过夜空效果,突破传统竟观灯视觉审美极限,可挂在树木,屋沿下,墙壁表面,特别适合做政府工程挂在街道两旁的树木上以及公园、旅游景点、绿化带等,为生活增添美景。
LED meteor light is the stright tube sery, used especially for decoration. When it is on, the light looks like meteors coming across the sky, because of this light effect, it is named LED meteor light.
Govermental lighting projects; decoration for buildings, streets, gardens, rivers, trees, shopping malls, night scene,and various kinds of places of entertainment.Applications:
产品特点: LED流星雨灯是直管LED照明系列灯中的景观、装饰灯,灯亮具有流星划过夜空效果,突破传统竟观灯视觉审美极限,可挂在树木,屋沿下,墙壁表面,特别适合做政府工程挂在街道两旁的树木上以及公园、旅游景点、绿化带等,为生活增添美景。
LED meteor light is the stright tube sery, used especially for decoration. When it is on, the light looks like meteors coming across the sky, because of this light effect, it is named LED meteor light.
Govermental lighting projects; decoration for buildings, streets, gardens, rivers, trees, shopping malls, night scene,and various kinds of places of entertainment.Applications:
产品特点: LED流星雨灯是直管LED照明系列灯中的景观、装饰灯,灯亮具有流星划过夜空效果,突破传统竟观灯视觉审美极限,可挂在树木,屋沿下,墙壁表面,特别适合做政府工程挂在街道两旁的树木上以及公园、旅游景点、绿化带等,为生活增添美景。
LED meteor light is the stright tube sery, used especially for decoration. When it is on, the light looks like meteors coming across the sky, because of this light effect, it is named LED meteor light.