厂商 :中山清越厨具设备有限公司
广东 中山市- 主营产品:
- 豆浆桶
- 沙冰机
- 果丁果片机

120雪花机参数如下 跨境包裹重量:38kg 产品体积:36cm *50cm*51cm 商品:雪花制冰机 额定电压:220v 110V 额定功率:1200w 出冰量:24H/180㎏ 使用方式:接电即用 速度调节:10 安全功能:自动保护 触屏水冷-经济款-180... 1全智能触屏 2无料停机自动保护功能 风冷和水冷的区别 制冷方式:风冷 水冷 制冷系统: 利用风机给冷凝器散热 利用水循环给冷凝器散热 用水量/天:<0.1吨2-3吨 环境要求:四面通风效果好,用水量较大,环境要求低 1.水冷对环境要求比较低,适合开店创业用 使用区别 2.如果使用环境通风效果好,建议选择风冷 长期计算比较节能省水 1.出于对用水成本考虑,建议使用风冷 达人建议 2.如有水循环系统或者能有效利用排出的水, 建议使用水冷 The parameters of the 120 snowflake machine are as follows Cross border package weight: 38kg Product volume: 36cm * 50cm * 51cm Outer packaging size: 64cm * 41.5cm * 60cm Product: Snow Ice Maker Rated voltage: 220V 110V Rated power: 1200w Ice production: 24H/180 kg Usage: Power on and use immediately Speed adjustment: 10 Security function: automatic protection Touch screen water cooling - economy version -180 1. Fully intelligent touch screen 2. Automatic protection function for no material shutdown The difference between air cooling and water cooling Refrigeration method: wind cold water cooling Refrigeration system: Using a fan to dissipate heat from the condenser Using water circulation to dissipate heat from the condenser Water consumption/day:<0.1 tons 2-3 tons Environmental requirements: Good ventilation on all sides, high water consumption, and low environmental requirements 1. Water cooling has relatively low environmental requirements and is suitable for opening stores and starting businessesUsage differences 2. If the ventilation effect in the environment is good, it is recommended to choose air cooling Long term calculation is more energy-efficient and water efficient 1. For water cost considerations, it is recommended to use air coolingExpert advice 2. If there is a water circulation system or the discharged water can be effectively utilized, Suggest using water cooling