厂商 :河北北山环保设备有限公司
河北 廊坊市- 主营产品:
- 除雾器
- 管束除尘器
- 喷嘴

河北北山环保设备有限公司 4、Operation/操作 The entire flushing system software including flushing times,switching pulse,switchingintervals,valve pressure and flow rate. 整个冲洗系统软件:包括冲洗程序,切换,关闭间隔,阀压力,流量。Water quality ofthe flushing water.冲洗水质 Chemistry of the desulphurization process,in particular the following factors: 脱硫工艺的化学物,特别是以下因素: -carbonizing mixture碳化混合物-any added substances任何添加物质 -efficiency in terms of SOgseparation去除效率-pHindex of the slurry浆液pH指数 -constituents and constellation of the slurry,especially caleium sulphide and theproportion of calcium sulphate in the slurry 浆液成分及构成,特别是钙和浆液中硫化钙的比例 -all factors exerting influence on the formation of sulphides and sulphates in the slurryand onthe reaction between gas and slurry. 所有浆液中硫化物形成以及气体与浆液的反应都将成为影响因素。 5、Technical Data Sheets技术数据表 ■5.1 Temperature Range温度范围 The maximum constant operation temperature is 80°C,for a short period of 10minutes an increase up to100 °C is allowable. 持续操作温度为80°C,短时间内(如10分钟)100°C是允许的(不锈钢材质除外)。 ■5.2 Wash Water Quality冲洗水质量 To get good results in cleaning the mist eliminator lamellas,the used wash water mustfulfill at least the following requirements: 为了对除雾器叶片的清洗得到较好的效果,所用的冲洗水必须满足以下要求: ·Calcium—lons钙离子(Ca?+):≤200 mg/1 ·Sulphate—lons根(So??):≤400 mg/1 ·Sulphite—lons根(Sos?):≤13 mg/1 ·pH-Value:pH值≤7 ·Suspended Solids:悬浮固体≤1000 mg/1 —13— 河北北山环保设备有限公司,河北省廊坊市万达广场 www.bschuwuqi.com