厂商 :河北北山环保设备有限公司
河北 廊坊市- 主营产品:
- 除雾器
- 管束除尘器
- 喷嘴

河北北山环保设备有限公司 1、Technical Description/技术描述 Trouble-free mist eliminator operation cannot thus be seen in isolation but must,rather,be regarded as an integral part of the complete separator system.The coordination of theadditional components and process coolis to a considerable extent a prerequisite forfaultless mist eliminator operation. 正确和无故障的使用操作除雾器不能被孤立的看待,而必须把它作为整个除雾器系统的一部分。和其他部件和工艺控制的配合是保证除雾器无错误操作的首要条件。 ■1.2 Function功能 The design of the mist eliminator system is called FGD-S/FH1 As mentioned before themist eliminatoris an impingement separator,designed for verticalflow(levelflow).By the flow effective design of the lamellas the droplets are separated from the gas flow bytheir own inertia. 这种设计的除雾器系统被称为FGD-S/FH1。正如前面所说这种除雾器是冲击法分离器,设计用于垂直气流(水平气流)。气体在叶片的影响下,液滴由于它们本身的内力作用下,从气流中分离出来。 The lamellas split the gas flow into single streams.The change of direction productsinertia in the droplets and they strike the lamellas and build a liquid film on the lamellas.叶片把气体分成单个的气流。流向的改变产生的内力使得液滴撞击在叶片上而在叶片上形成水膜。 Under grity influence the liquid film moves downwards and falls back into the absorbersump. 在重力的作用下,液体膜向下滴,落回吸收塔。 The specially designed lamellas cause an all in all small pressure drop in the gas flow.特殊设计的叶片产生总的压降很小。