厂商 :河北北山环保设备有限公司
河北 廊坊市- 主营产品:
- 除雾器
- 管束除尘器
- 喷嘴

河北北山环保设备有限公司 1、Technical Description/技术描述 ■1.1 Foreword/前言 For a highly efficient function in flue gas desulphurization plants (FGD)high-gradedmist eliminators must be used.Separators from Bei Shan.working on the impingementprinciple fulfill these requirements concerning a very good separation grade,highailability and a long durability.The mist eliminator consists of well engineered,floweffective lamellas which are parallel arranged and passed through by the flue gas.Thegas flow is deflected inside the mist eliminator elements and the contained droplets areseparated from the stream.A liquid film is build up on the lamellas which is lead away bygrity 为了烟气脱硫系统具有更好的性能,必须使用高等级的除雾器。北山公司生产的运用撞击法原理的除雾器能全部满足这些要求,它具有非常优异的分离等级,在线率和长期的耐用性。这种除雾器的设计非常优良。气流在通过这些平行布置的叶片中间并被影响。气体的流向在除雾器中偏离,携带的雾滴被从气流中分离。由于重力的作用在叶片的表面上会形成水膜。 The mist eliminator system consists of two stages:The first stage is the so called coarseeliminator and the second stage the fine eliminator. 除雾器系统有两级组成:级的除雾器是所谓的粗除雾器,第二级的除雾器是精除雾器。 The liquid,that has to be separated,contains a great amount of solid particles.To oidthe set down of these solids on the lamellas and the clogging of the mist eliminator,thesystem must be cleaned in regular intervals.This will be done by the nozzle pipes of thespray system which are arranged up-and downstream of each stage.The spray systemwill be operated according to a given program and flush water onto the mist eliminatorelements and rinse off the solid particles.With this procedure long operating times of the eliminator system between the inspection intervals can be reached. 必须被去除的液体中含有大量的固体颗粒。为了避免这些固体被积淀在叶片的表面从而形成结垢,系统必须被有规律的间断的清洁。清洁的工作由安装在每级除雾器上的向上和向下的带喷嘴的管子组成的冲洗系统完成。冲洗系统将按提供的程序运行,固体颗粒在叶片表面被冲洗掉。在检查间隔这种程序确保了除雾器系统的长期运行。