
厂商 :合肥皖翔仪表科技有限公司

安徽 合肥市
  • 主营产品:
  • 微型流量计(微小流量
  • 椭圆齿轮流量计
  • 螺旋转子流量计
联系电话 :13956078596
品牌:其他 型号:LC-W 加工定制: 类型:容积式流量计 测量范围:2~100L/h 精度等级:0.5 公称通径:DN15~DN40 适用介质:气缸油 工作压力:0.5~2.0MPa 工作温度:0~100 规格:LCW/LCC 气缸油流量计:滑油流量计厂家

■ 概述 LCW系列微型流量传感器是根据市场需求,在吸收国内外先进技术的基础上,研制开发的新颖的微量流量计。它具有流量小、结构简单、计量精度高、使用方便、寿命长等特点。对被测液体的粘度适应性强和对被测液体的流态无要求,对被测液体的压力大小无特殊要求,自流即可工作计量。显示仪表具有显示总流量、本次流量、瞬时流量及回零能,并可实现现场显示和远传功能,特别适用于锅炉燃油、油品、化工等液体的微小流量的准确计量。全不锈钢材质制成的流量计可测量酒类、牛奶、植物油等各类液体食品的微小流量。 ■ 工作原理 LCW系列微型流量传感器由流量变送器和显示仪表两部分组成,流量变送器的计量腔内有一对计量转子,该转子与计量腔体组成若干已知体积的空腔作为计量单位。在进出口微压差的作用下,推动转子转动,并不断地把进口液体经计量腔计量后送至出口(见图1),同时传感器产生相应的电信号,并送至显示仪表,显示仪表处理后,即可显示出液体的瞬时流量和累计流量。 ■ 特点 结构简单、体积小、重量轻, 流量微小、精度高、寿命长, 流量计具有现场显示和远传功能,仪表功耗低,仅用内置电池可连续供电使用两年以上(也可使用外接电源供电) ■ 主要技术参数 公称通径 10~40 mm(或特供) 显示功能 可显示出瞬时流量、累计流量、班累计流量和回零功能 公称压力 1.6、2.5MPa、6.4MPa 工作电压 3±0.4VDC 精确度等级 ±0.2%、±0.5%、±1% 工作电流 < 50μA 远传距离 ≤1Km 输出信号 1.脉冲信号 2.4-20mA电流信号 计量介质 油品、化工、奶油、 酒精、植物油 外接电源 6-24VDC 介质温度 -29 - +120℃ 抗外磁场 强度 >400A/m 粘度范围 0.7-1000 mPa.S —1— 皖翔仪表 精益求精 ■流量范围 公称通径mm 流 量 范 围 L/h 量程比(具体视计量介质及精度要求) 8~40 2 —500 1:10、1:20、1:30、1:50 8~40 7 —1800 1:10、1:20、1:30、1:50 特殊要求可以另行注明 ■外形尺寸 公称通径(法兰)mm D D1 n-d1 d(内径) 10 90 60 4-¢14 8 、10 15 95 65 4-¢14 8 、10、15 20 105 75 4-¢14 8 、10、15 25 115 85 4-¢14 8 、10、15 32 140 100 4-¢18 8 、10、15 40 145 110 4-¢18 8 、10、15 特殊要求可以另行注明 ■安装 ◆安装前管线须清洗干净,在流量计前须安装过滤器。 ◆安装可采用法兰联接,也可采用螺纹联接。 ◆安装时流量计的表面应与水平面垂直。 ◆为便于检修,应装有旁路管线,流量计前后应安装阀门。 —2— LCW系列微型流量传感器 ■流量计选型 型号 特殊要求 材料 公称 通径 公称 压力 / 计数器 精度 说明 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LCW 微型流量传感器 N 高粘度 SP 食品 B 1Cr18Ni9Ti C 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 8~40 法兰尺寸8~40mm 1 1.6 Mpa 2 2.5 Mpa 3 / 6.4 Mpa D 电子计数器 D1 D+脉冲信号输出 D2 D+4~20mA 信号输出 1% (不标) P 0.5% J 0.2% —3— 皖翔仪表 精益求精 WX-988智能计数器 ■概述 WX-988 智能计数器是一款采用电池供电的智能型 超低功耗仪表,中央处理器采用MSP430F149芯片, 流量计系数通过设置可实现分段补偿,从而可以大 大提高流量计的量程比。 ■特点 1、采用MSP430F149芯片,液晶显示,超低功耗。 2、采用铁电数据存储器,具有高可靠数据掉电保护 功能(存储速度快,无数次上电冲击数据不丢失)。 3、内置时钟芯片,显示时间、日期。 4、高精度D / A转换芯片。 5、内置设置按键和复位按键,外部设有操作使用按键,完成全功能操作。 6、脉冲输出功能。 7、外部环境温度低于零下五摄氏度时,可自动加温,保证显示屏正常工作。 8、两线制和三线制随意更换,可与计算机和其他智能仪表联机工作。 ■仪表示意图(见上图) ■操作说明 1、仪表参数代码说明 P-00—P-04:流量计五个脉冲当量(单位:升/脉冲)。 P-05/ P-07/P-08(不用) P-06:最小流量时S/P(通常设为1.5*S,单位:秒) P-09:瞬时量单位选择(0为 m3 /h, 1为 升/分钟)。 P-10:脉冲计算周期(单位:秒)。 P-11~P-14:流量计分段值,单位:m3 /h。(当P09=0时,用此单位) P-15~P-18:流量计分段值,单位:升/分钟。(当P09=1时,用此单位) P-19:脉冲输出宽度。(输出脉冲高电平宽度为P19x1.95ms) P-20:脉冲输出模式。(应设为1) P-21/P-23/P24(不用) —4— LCW系列微型流量传感器 P-22:分段当量的开关。(为0时,不分段,系数为P00,为1时,分段系数为P00-P04) P-25:选择显示内容(为0时,时间←→本次流量;为1时,时间←→总流量< m3>; 为任意值时,时间→单次流量→总流量< m3>→时间;) 2、按键操作 ⑴仪表内部共有4个按键,上方为复位键,下方从左至右依次为键、键、键。 ⑵复位键一般在仪表装配,插入显示板时,按复位键,显示屏开始显示工作 ⑶仪表装有磁感应开关,在工作状态下,外部用磁铁可切换显示日流量(即单次量), 总流量,时间,内部按键可切换显示日流量,总流量,时间,屏幕显示如下: 3、 时间的设定 ⑴同时按住和键,松开,仪表进入时间设定状态,屏幕年份闪动。 ⑵按或键,调整需要设定的年份。 ⑶按键,月份闪动,按或键调整月份。 ⑷同理调整日期、时间。 ⑸时间调整完毕后,同时按住和,松开后仪表退出时间设定。 4、系数的设定 ⑴工作或待机状态下:连续两次同时按和键,P-00会闪动,仪表进入系数设定状 态。 在时间设定状态下:同时按和键一次,仪表进入系数设定,屏幕显示如下: —5— 皖翔仪表 精益求精 ⑵、参数代码P-XX闪动时,按或键,可以找到相应的代码,下方显示的为该代 码的参数值。 ⑶、如要修改参数值,按键移动到需要修改的位置,按或键增加或减少数值。 例:修改得到P-00=0000.1234,步骤如下: Ⅰ、按和键两次,进入系数设定状态。 Ⅱ、按键,数值第一位闪动,按或键,调为0。 Ⅲ、再按键,将第二位调为0。 Ⅳ、依此类推,将P-00值调整为0000.1234,再同时按和键,退出,设置完 毕。 5、流量分段的方法 流量计在不同流量时,流量系数是有差距的,尤其在最小流量时差距较大,从而影响它的量程比,而电子表头可采用流量分段方式对比进行有效克服,说明如下: ⑴当瞬时量采用m3 /h单位时(即P-09=0时)实际瞬时流量≤P-11时,使用P-00 为脉冲当量 当P-11<实际瞬时流量≤P-12时,使用P-01为脉冲当量 当P-12<实际瞬时流量≤P-13时,使用P-02为脉冲当量 当P-13<实际瞬时流量≤P-14时,使用P-03为脉冲当量 当实际瞬时流量>P-14时,使用P04脉冲当量 ⑵当瞬时量采用升/分钟单位时(即P09=1时)实际瞬时流量≤P-15时,使用P-00脉冲当量,实际瞬时流量≥P18时,使用P-04脉冲当量(方法同前) ⑶如果不使用流量分段功能,只用一个脉冲当量,只需把P-22设为0。此时仪表无论在什么流量下都使用P-00做为脉冲当量。 6、仪表调试方法 ⑴在调试仪表时,首先把P-22设为0或1(选择流量分段还是不分段)。 ⑵把P10设为1 —6— LCW系列微型流量传感器 ⑶选择瞬时量单位,即P-09为1还是0。(选择单位) ⑷让流量计在中流量运行,调整P-00脉冲当量,使仪表显示数和实际数相符。 ⑸设置P06为最小流量的三分之一左右,当瞬时量小于P06时,瞬时量会显示为0. ⑹如果不分流量段补偿,仪表调试即告结束。如分段补偿则继续第⑺步。 ⑺依据仪表上显示的瞬时量把流量调到最小,通过计量罐算出当量并记录下来,把流 量调整到不同的流量段,分别计算出相应的当量。 ⑻在整个流量量程内尽量多取几个流量点,分析这些不同流量点的当量值,根据P-09是0还是1来设定P11-P14或P15-P18,再把不同的当量结合置入P00-P04. ⑼最后不同流量点来回切换,看仪表精度是否满足要求,如要4-20mA输出功能,核实电流值是否正确,完毕。 ■本次流量、总流量清零 1、本次流量清零 按住键不松,或显示屏玻璃外用磁铁对放,约5秒后屏幕日流量显示为0,松开后本次流量清零完成。 2、总流量清零 按住键不松,约10秒后屏幕总流量显示为0,松开后总流量清零完成。 注:Ⅰ、日流量单位为升,总流量单位为m3 。 Ⅱ、日流量和总流量清零后会显示4位小数。 Ⅲ、当屏幕显示数值计满时,小数点自动后移。 Ⅳ、当无小数计满时,(即9999999),自动清零。 ■参数 1、输入:电压脉冲。 2、显示:采用笔段液晶。 3、输出:电压脉冲(两线制或三线制随意互换) 4、供电:DC3.6V,电池供电二年,电池电量不足时电池图标 会闪动提示用户更换电池。 5、脉冲输出、自动加温需外供电。外供电为DC24V或DC12V。 —7— 皖翔仪表 精益求精 ■故障排除 1.如果流量计没有液体或只有少量液体流出,可能流量计本体里进杂质,只要打开仪表本体后盖上的4个螺栓(1),打开后盖,取出杂质,转动一下齿轮,复原即可。 2.流量计转动正常,智能电子显示仪有数字显示,更换传感器即可。 3.如用了很长时间,2年或更长时间,智能电子显示仪无数字显示,流量计转动正常,可能需更换电池。 —8— Type LCW micro flow sensor GENERAL DESCRIPTION Type LCW micro flow sensor are instrument used for the continuous and intermittent measurement and control of pipe liquid flow. Which are typical of feature large flow range, low pressure loss, large viscosity range, easy installation, high accuracy, and can measure high temperature, high viscosity liquid with easy calibration. The meter are widely used for the flow measurement in the field of petroleum, chemical, chemical fiber, traffic, boats and ships, food industries and commerce, medical and sanitary departments. The micro flow sensor is generally comprised of a flow transducer and a counter. The main part of the transducers a measuring chamber which consists of a part of oval wheels and cover plate and the walls of measuring chamber. The counter contains speed reduction gears, adjusting device, counter, and pulse transmitters etc. The counter has mechanism and electron two kinds of type of counter, if the flow transducer is collocated the mechanical counter, the total liquid volume will be known by the pointer display and the roller number, the attached signal generator produces the pulse signal , and then transmitters it to the electrical indicator to display total liquid volume and instantaneous flow and control, if the flow transducer is collocated the electronic counter, the total liquid volume and instantaneous flow will be known directly. STRUCTURE AND OPERATION PRINCIPAL In the measuring chamber, a part of oval wheels and cover plate make a fan shape cavity which is used as a measuring element. The oval wheels are rotated by the little pressure difference in the inlet and outlet of the meter and drive the inlet liquid through the cavity to the outlet, each revolution of the oval wheels displaces fluid four times the volume of cavity, the total revolutions of the oval wheels and revolutions rate will be transferred to the counter. —9— TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ⑴Nominal diameter:8~40mm(or singleness manufacture) Nominal diameter DN(mm) Flow range L/h Inverse proportion of flow 8~40 2 —500 1:10、1:20、1:30、1:50 8~40 7 —1800 1:10、1:20、1:30、1:50 The all flowmeter may be made specially on the basis of piping ⑵Nominal pressure:1.6MPa,2.5MPa,6.4MPa ⑶Medium temperature: Electron counter:-20~+100℃ ⑷Viscosity limit:0.7~1000mpa.s ⑸Allowed basic error: 0.2%,0.5%,1% ⑹Flow range: ⑺Dimension —10— Type LCW micro flow sensor Nominal diameter DN(mm) D D1 n-d1 d(Nozzle) 10 90 60 4-¢14 8 、10 15 95 65 4-¢14 8 、10、15 20 105 75 4-¢14 8 、10、15 25 115 85 4-¢14 8 、10、15 32 140 100 4-¢18 8 、10、15 40 145 110 4-¢18 8 、10、15 The all flowmeter may be made specially on the basis of piping INSTALLATION ⑴A filter should be installed in front of the meter, and be sure that the arrow on the casting of the meter and filter pointing the same direction of the liquid flow. ⑵Whether the pipe line is vertically or horizontally installed, the wheel’s shaft of the meter must be fixed horizontal, that is , the dial is vertical the surface. —11— ⑶Pipes to the installation of the meter, the pipe must be cleaned. ⑷While the meter is installed properly, the counter may be turned 180° or 90° for easy reading. ⑸A regulating valve must be fixed at the of the meter, a shutoff valve at the outlet, the valve must be slowly opened to prevent from a sudden impact, and water hammer. ⑹It is forbidden to clean the meter with steam. ⑺For the continuous operating department, a bypass should be mounted. ⑻The filter should be cleaned out of impurity to prevent from blocking, the meter should be tested and overhauled in a fixed period. WX-988 INTELLIGENT COUNTER 1、Outline WX-988 Intelligent counter is a battery-powered ultra-low-power intelligent devices, using MSP430F149 CPU chip, flow coefficient can be achieved by also setting a different coefficient, which can greatly improve the flow meter's range . 2、Characteristics ① Using MSP430F149 chip, liquid crystal display, low power consumption. ②Using ferroelectric data storage, power protection with high reliable data. Function (memory speed, numerous power-impact data is not lost). —12— Type LCW micro flow sensor ③ Built-in clock chip. Display —TIME DATE ④ High-precision D / A converter chip. ⑤ Built-in setting button and reset button, and equipped with operational use by button to complete the full functions. 3、Instrumentation diagram 4、Instructions ① Instrument parameter code description ???P-00 ~ P-04: five pulse for the flow meter (Unit: L / pulse). ???P-05 / P-07/P-08 (Do not use) P-06: The S/P of minimum flow rate (unit:S) ???P-09: instantaneous flow rate (0 —m3 / h, 1 —L / min). ???P-10: 2 ???P-11 ~ P-14: Flow units: m3 / h. (When P09 = 0, use this unit) ???P-15 ~ P-18: Flow units: L / min. (When P09 = 1, use this unit) ???P-19: Pulse width. (High output pulse width P19x1.95ms) ???P-20: Pulse output mode. (Should be set to 1) ???P-21/P-23/P-24 (Do not use) ???P-22: The flow coefficient selects. (For 0, no section, coefficient of P-00,to 1, the different coefficient for the P00-P04) ?P-25: Figure select (For 0,Time←→A single flow,For 1,Time ←→ Total flow< m3>,For any number,Time→A single flow → Total flow< m3>→Time) ② Button(Key) operation ⑴ Instrument within a total of four buttons, at the top of the reset button ,on the bottom from left to right key, key, key. ⑵ Reset button is usually in the meter assembly, inse rt the display, press the reset button, the screen started to show work. —13— ⑶ Press the keys , the total flow data 、the single flow data 、the time, the screen displays the following: ③ The time set ⑴ While press down key and key at the same time, release, set the instrument into the time of the state, the screen flashing year. ⑵ Press key or key to adjust the need to set the year. ⑶ Press key, flashing the month, Press key or key to adjust the month. ⑷ In the same way to adjust the date and time. ⑸ After time to adjust, while press down key and key at the same time, after release the instrument out of the time setting. ④ Coefficient set ⑴ Working or standby mode, press down key and key simultaneously twice, P-00 will be flashing, set the instrument into the coefficients of the state. ???In the time setting mode: press down key and key once, instrumentation into the coefficient set. The screen displays the following: ??????? —14— Type LCW micro flow sensor ⑵ Parameter code P-XX flashing, Press key or key, you can find the appropriate code, the code below shows the parameter values. ⑶ Such as to modify the parameter values , Press key to move to the location, press key or key to increase or decrease in value. Example: Modification by P-00 = 0000.1234, the following steps: ???Ⅰ Press down key and key simultaneously twice, enter the coefficient set state. ???Ⅱ Press key, numerical first flashing, Press key or key, adjust to 0. ???Ⅲ Press key, the second numerical turn to 0. ???Ⅳ And so on, to P-00 value is adjusted to 0000.1234, and then press down key and key at the same time. Once: Twice(The time of press≥5S) Exit set. ⑤ WX-988 Intelligent counter testing method ⑴ The debugging instrument, first the P-22 set to 0 . ⑵ The P-10 Set 2 ⑶ Select the amount of units, P-09 to 0. (Unit: m3 / h) ⑷ So that in the flow meter run, adjust the P-00 pulse equivalent to —15— the number and the actual number of instruments showed consistent. , ⑸ Set the P-06 minimum flow rate of about one-third, when the transient is less than P-06, the minimum flow rate will appear as 0. 5、A single flow , total flow clear ⑴ A single flow cleared ??? Press down the key is not loose, about 5 seconds on the screen flow shown as 0, release the daily flow after the completion of traffic cleared. ⑵ Total flow of clear ??? Press down the key is not loose, about 10 seconds after the screen shows the total volume of 0, release the reset after the completion of the total flow. Note: Ⅰ Daily flow (that is, a single flow) units L, the total flow units m3. ??????Ⅱ Daily flow (that is, a single flow) and the total flow of clear will show four decimal places. ??????Ⅲ When the screen shows the expiration value, the decimal point after the shift automatically. ??????Ⅳ The expiration of the time when no decimal, (it’s 9999999), automatically cleared. 6、Parameter ⑴ Input: voltage pulse. ⑵ Display: LCD paragraph document. ⑶ Power Supply: DC3.6V battery can supply more than two years, the battery power is low battery icon will flash to prompt the user to replace the battery. ⑷ External power supply is DC24V or DC12V. —16— Type LCW micro flow sensor 7.Fault analysis processing 1. If the flowmeter does not have the liquid or only then the few liquids flows out, in the possible flowmeter main body to enter the impurity, simply open the lid after the flowmeter body 4 bolts 1, open the back cover, takes out the impurity, rotates the oval wheels, the restoration then. 2.The flowmeter turns normally, intelligent electronic display meter with digital display, sensor probe may be loose, recovery can be. 3. If used for a long time, 2 years or more, intelligent electronic display instrument without digital display, turning the normal flow meter may be required to replace the battery. —17— 8、接线方法Wiring (Back, as the wiring diagram) ㈠ 内接线: ⑴ 拧开罩圈上的螺丝① ② ③ ④ ,取下罩圈和玻璃面板(注意不要打碎) ⑵ 腔体内有主板,拧开螺丝⑤ ⑥,将主板移到一边,主板和接线端子采用软线连接。 —————— 12/24VDC +—18— ⑶ 腔体内有接线端子图,将线穿入腔体内,对照下面的接线图接线: ⑷ 线接好后,将仪表的相关器件按原样装好。 ㈡ 外接线: 外接线是用一段导线将信号引出: 具体接线方法: 红线 —————— 12/24VDC + 黄线 —————— 信号 黑线 —————— 12/24VDC - 特别说明:建议尽量用外接线法,内接线一定要专业人士操作! —19— 切换、按键、回零 流量计显示这种状态, 按5s,本次流量回零
