厂商 :盐山县木子李机床附件厂
河北 沧州市- 主营产品:
- 机床附件
- 机床防护罩
- 机床拖链
伸缩式铣床钢板导轨防护罩定制维修 铣床导轨防护罩优点: 1、铣床高速护罩每片可连发同动,完全不同于一般护罩一片接一片拉动式,因此噪音极低。 2、采用联动装置之铣床护罩可以增长导轨防护罩的使用寿命。 3、高速护罩移动速度可升到120m/min及承受更高的G值(2G)。 4、铣床导轨防护罩联动装置使护罩同动且平行(避免了一般剪力式防护罩仍有蛇行的缺点)。 5、高速铣床护罩在高速时可以更平稳,没有振动产生。 伸缩式铣床钢板导轨防护罩定制维修 铣床导轨防护罩 铣床导轨防护罩 钢制伸缩式导轨护罩是机床的传统防护形式。该产品对防止切屑及其它尖锐东西的进入起着有效的防护作用,通过一定的结构措施及合适的刮屑板也可有效的降低冷却液的渗入。 Retractable machining center steel plate guide rail cover custom maintenance, machine tool guide rail cover technical data, steel retractable guide rail cover for high-quality cold forming of 2-3 mm thick steel plate, can also be stainless steel according to the requirements. A special surface finish will add value. We can provide the corresponding guide rail protection type (horizontal, vertical, inclined, transverse) for all kinds of machine tools. According to the different operating speed and guide rail we developed the shield structure is also different. Running at 10m/min we are equipped with polyurethane or brass sliders. We have rollers at a moderate speed of 30m/min. In addition, a buffer system is needed between the drive plate, the scraping plate and the suction plate. The slide buffer system is designed to reduce collision, noise and friction.