厂商 :东莞市高合华聚合物有限公司
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Delrin 500P是一种通用的中等粘度缩醛均聚物。它具有天然的弹性和自润滑性。它提高了加工的热稳定性,并很好地结合了机械性能和低VOC排放。具有优异的抗疲劳性、刚度、抗冲击性以及防潮、汽油、润滑剂、溶剂和许多其他中性化学品的性能。还具有优异的尺寸稳定性和良好的电绝缘特性。通过注塑加工。500P推荐用于汽车、家用电器、体育、工业工程、电子和消费品行业。 Delrin 500P is a general purpose medium-viscosity acetal homopolymer. It is naturally resilient and self-lubricating. It has improved processing thermal stability and a good combination of mechanical properties and low VOC emissions. Offers excellent fatigue resistance, rigidity, impact resistance as well as resistance to moisture, gasoline, lubricants, solvents and many other neutral chemicals. Also gives excellent dimensional stability and good electrical insulating characteristics. Processed by injection molding. 500P is recommended for automotive, domestic appliances, sports, industrial engineering, electronics and consumer goods industries.

Vydyne 21SPC 通用 润滑PA66 Vydyne 良好磨擦损性 做线圈架 做扎带
C9021 本色 耐水解 食品级POM Hostaform 滑动元件 汽车领域 电动应用
Rynite FR530 30%玻纤增强 防火PET
Hostaform S9364 高冲击改性 超柔韧性POM 电动工具
中等粘度 POM共聚物 CelconM90
中粘度 聚缩醛共聚物POM TenacC4520
中粘度 乙缩醛均聚物 Delrin500P
高粘度 乙缩醛均聚物 Delrin100P
中等粘度 良好的机械和卡扣性能POM DURACONM90-44
热和金属稳定 无卤无磷阻燃PP LATENE 7H2W-V0