厂商 :深圳市星科创科技有限公司(市场部)
广东 深圳市- 主营产品:
- 非接触液位传感器
- 人体红外传感器
- 激光传感器

深圳星科创原厂供应KE300激光传感器桩式智能停车终端激光传感器 ; 桩式智能停车终端为开放式停车环境下采集路边泊位信息的智能设备,它主要解决一些特殊停车位的信息采集,以修长的身形站立于人行道、绿化带等场所,用特定的视角感知车辆并识别车牌号码,通过4G物联网把停车视频或照片以及车牌号码上传至平台,由此计时、计费和存档。 精致美观,适应性强,多种停车位角度均可安装; 高清采集,超低照度,全彩夜视,极速智能识别; 拍摄图片云端永久留储,停车事实清晰准确; 超低功耗设计,可实现设备长时间自持续航; 快拆式电池换充设计,维护简单方便; 全网通4G通讯,支持物联网芯片卡或SIM卡,数据定向传输安全可靠; 设备状态及电量自动上报,故障及时知晓; 可配合其它资源实现分时段停车,最大化利用道路资源; 安装方便,不布线、不开挖,不影响道路通行。 深圳市星科创科技有限公司主要经营:非接触液位传感器和控制器.红外感应器. 超声波传感器、超声波测距模块.红外人体感应模块、各种传感器变送器等产品,可按客户的要求定做各类传感器、以及定制化应用方案的开发和生产。 产品型号涵盖:Y21 Y23 Y25 Y26A Y27B Y28等,满足多场景的应用领域;产品应用于:智能垃圾桶、智能饮水机、开水机、民用水塔、锅炉、工业测位、鱼缸测位、智能公厕、感应洗手、智能机器人(送餐)、咖啡机、智能速饮咖啡机、扫地机器人等等; Shenzhen Star Science Innovation factory supply KE200 laser sensor pile type intelligent parking terminal laser sensor; Pile type intelligent parking terminals for the open parking berth roadside information collected under the environment of intelligent devices, it is mainly to solve some special parking space information acquisition, with slender figure standing on the sidewalk, green belts and other places, with a particular view of perception and recognition of license plate number, vehicle parking through 4 g Internet video or photos uploaded to the platform and license plate number, It is used for timing, billing, and archiving. Delicate and beautiful, strong adaptability, a variety of parking angles can be installed; Hd acquisition, ultra low illumination, full color night vision, speed intelligent recognition; Take pictures cloud permanent storage, parking facts clear and accurate; Ultra-low power consumption design, can achieve long time self-sustaining equipment; Quick disassembly battery charging design, easy maintenance; Full network 4G communication, supporting the Internet of Things chip card or SIM card, data directional transmission is safe and reliable; Equipment status and power automatically report, fault timely know; It can cooperate with other resources to realize time-sharing parking and maximize the utilization of road resources. Easy installation, no wiring, no excavation, does not affect the road traffic. Shenzhen Star Technology Co., LTD. Main business: non - contact level sensor and controller. Infrared sensor. Ultrasonic sensor, ultrasonic ranging module. Infrared body sensor module, various sensor transmitters and other products, can be customized according to customer requirements of all kinds of sensors, as well as customized application program development and production. The product models include: Y21, Y23, Y25, Y26A, Y27B, Y28, etc., which meet the application field of multiple scenarios. The products are used in: intelligent garbage can, intelligent water dispenser, boiling water machine, civil water tower, boiler, industrial position measurement, fish tank measurement

水位浮球开关漏水检测非接触液位传感器 非接触液位传感器Y25
深圳星科创原厂供应智能扫地机咖啡机氢氧机传感器 Y28非接触液位传感器
深圳星科创原厂供应Y29非接触液位传感器 可检测壁挂液体的传感器
深圳星科创原厂供应Y26A非接触液位传感器 适用智能扫地机 咖啡机 氢氧机的传感器
深圳星科创原厂供应KE200抗阳光激光红外传感器适用安防闸机 智能垃圾桶 扫地机