厂商 :深圳市宏鼎微科技有限公司
广东 深圳市- 主营产品:
- 电源IC
- 存储IC
Image Sensor Color 1280x720Pixels 16Pin CSP5
摄像头芯片OV09734-H16A 高清感光IC豪威9734 贴片CSP OV09734 H16A
工作温度(Max)85 ℃
工作温度(Min)-30 ℃
AiPCBA online 3D Gerber Viewer is the fastest, easiest, and most intuitive way to check PCB designs.
Allows you to see all layers in your design!
Allow you to see each layer of the Gerber file individually!
Allow you to see the size of your design!
Allows you to see your PCB design through different eyes!
Allows you to see your board as it will look from production!
Allows you to inspect it from any angle...like holding the finished board in your hand!
After viewing your Gerber file by AiPCBA online 3D Gerber Viewer, please send us your file for a free quote!
SDRAM芯片EM639165TS-6G 钰创存储器TSOP-54贴片
晶豪M12L128168A-6TG2内存芯片 SDRAM存储贴片TOSP-54
STM32G030C8T6单片机 贴片LQFP-48 ST意法MCU
逻辑芯片74LVC1G123DC,125 安世单稳态多谐振荡器 VSSOP-8贴片
缓冲器NLVVHC1GT126DF1G 逻辑控制IC 贴片SC-70-5
STM810SWX6F电源管理IC 监控和复位芯片封装SOT-23
安森美NC7SV00P5X逻辑门IC 封装SC-70 与非门
NOR FLASH芯片KH25L12833FM2I 128Mbit存储IC 现货
美信MAX9119EXK缓冲放大器IC 比较器贴片SC-70
线性器件SN75DPHY440SSRHR TI视频放大器 贴片WQFN-28