厂商 :厦门博测商务服务有限公司
福建 厦门- 主营产品:
- WaterMark
- WRAS认证

1 By signing this contract, the applicant declares that the product formulation does NOT contain intentionally added PFAS 5 chemicals.?通过签署本合同,申请人声明产品配方中不含有故意添加的PFAS 5化学品 NO PFAS chemicals are used in or on equipment that is coming into contact with these products (e.g., used in mold release agents).?在接触到这些产品的设备中或设备上不使用PFAS化学品(例如,用于脱模剂)。 The entire manufacturing line for these products is dedicated to “no PFAS chemicals” OR, if not dedicated, it is standard operating procedure to replace the process water and clean out tanks, etc. and written documentation of this process can be provided upon request.?这些产品的整个生产线都是专用于“无PFAS化学品”或如果不是专用的,则替换工艺水和清洗水箱等是标准操作程序,可根据要求提供该工艺的书面文件。 ? We consider PFAS as defined by OECD: “PFASs are defined as fluorinated substances that contain at least one fully fluorinated methyl or methylene carbon atom (without any H/Cl/Br/I atom attached to it), i.e. with a few noted exceptions, any chemical with at least a perfluorinated methyl group (–CF3) or a perfluorinated methylene group (–CF2–) is a PFAS.” OECD Environment, Health and Safety Publications - Series on Risk Management No. 61 参考OECD对于PFAS的定义: “PFASs被定义为氟化物包含至少一个全氟甲基或亚甲基碳原子(没有任何氢?/?氯?/?溴?/碘原子连接), 例如,除少数例外情形外,任何化学物质含有至少一个三氟甲基烷烃基团(-CF3)或二氟甲基烷烃(-CF2-)结构的被认符合PFAS定义.”? 经合组织环境、健康和安全出版物-风险管理系列第61号