
厂商 :河东区宏大车床加工中心

山东 临沂市
  • 主营产品:
  • 纸厂三部造粒机
  • 电磁加热
  • 清洗机 甩干机等
联系电话 :15806901695
品牌:其他 型号:300 适用原料:PE PP PS TR TPE TPR TPV pet PVC EVA ABS 钙母 钙母料 电线料 碳黑母料 其他 螺杆数:双螺杆 售后服务:一年内售后 产品别名:泡沫粉碎化坨一体机 产品用途:泡沫粉碎化坨一体机 生产能力:100-120kgh 旋转刀数:6 固定刀数量:1片 回旋直径:600mm 进料口直径:185MM

热销全自动环保塑料泡沫颗粒机 泡沫造粒生产线 珍珠棉造粒机价格 泡沫造粒机珍珠棉造粒机 废旧泡沫再生造粒机 泡沫切粒机 废旧泡沫再生造粒机/珍珠棉造粒一体机,eps彩钢瓦泡沫板材 供应200#珍珠棉造粒机 EPE造粒机 废旧泡沫造粒机 EPS造粒机Shandong province linyi city hongda plasic manchinery factory was founded in 1996,is approved by the local industtual and commercial department registered professional manufacturers. we produce all kinds of plastic mauchinery and equipment .can produce all kinds of waste plastics processing equipment ,can also according to the mechanical equiopment user and build a variety of different ,our main products are:plasstic granulator ,plastic crushing machine ,plastic cleaning ,plastic grinder,grinding machine ,electromagnetic heating and other professional plastic industry equipment. we guarantee the quality of advaneced technology
