厂商 :东莞市鑫涛机械设备有限公司
广东 东莞- 主营产品:
- 自动化机械手设备
- 磁性分离过滤机
- 球头机

181 0224 7251 合金刀板 钨钢刀板 合金托板 钨钢托板 扶料块 导板 刀板又名托板用在无心磨床上支撑工件使工件在一定高度下加工达度满意的加工要求. 刀板有长有短高低也不一定.生产的刀板只是一基本件. 在生产加工高低可以添垫片来调整加工要求. 我司有生产: 国产无心磨床1020,1040,1080,10100合金刀板 台湾无心磨床12,14,16,18型合金刀板 日本无心磨床刀板 无心磨床刀板,托板 Tungsten alloy cutting plate steel plate alloy plate tungsten steel pallet Rotary indexing plate Blade holder with supporting the workpiece the workpiece in centerless grinder processing up for an acceptable process under a certain height requirements. Blade having shorter height may not necessarily. blade is a fundamental piece of production.In the production and processing of high and low can add spacers to adjust the processing requirements. Our production: Homemade Centerless grinder 1020,1040,1080,10100 alloy blade Taiwan Centerless grinder 12,14,16,18 alloy cutting board Japan Centerless grinder blade Centerless grinder blade, pallet