厂商 :泉州特锐自动化机械有限公司
福建 泉州市- 主营产品:

tic products 该机适用于各种人造、天然、合成橡胶、多种塑料及其它韧性材料的粉剂生产,特别适用于各种废旧橡胶边料的磨粉回收再利用。根据制品要求,渗入比例各有不同,不但不会降低制品的质量,相反可提高制品的防劳性、耐磨性和散热性,既可降低成本,更可提高经济效益。 This machine is suitable for artificial, natural, synthetic rubber, plastics and other ductile material powder processing, especially for all kinds of waste rubber scraps which can be recycled by grinding into powders. The powder can be added in different proportion according to requirements of the final product, making the products much stronger, wear resistant, better heat dispersion and lowering the production cost and achieving economic efficiency by using the powder which ground by the rubber grinder. 除以上胶粉可混入橡胶制品外,胶粉又是某些建筑材料和防水材料的添加剂,国内外还将胶粉和沥青混合,用于高速公路铺设路面,也可与塑料混合生产橡塑制品。 In addition to the use in the rubber product manufacturing industry, the rubber powder can be applied as additive for some building materials and water proof products. The rubber powder and bitumen mixture is also widely used in the highway construction both at home and abroad, furthermore, the rubber powder mixed with plastics can be used to make rubber plastoo.