厂商 :江苏富日精密机械有限公司
江苏 苏州市- 主营产品:
- 压延机
- 石墨压延机
- 硅胶压延机
用途Usage: 把石墨片材压延到适当厚度与底膜贴合到一起形成卷材,表面无裂痕、无压痕、无损伤。 To press the graphite sheet to suitable thickness and to laminating graphite with back film and finially make it in roll shape. No cracks, no indentation and no damage on the material surface. 规格Specification: 1.轧制精度误差roll precision tolerance:≤±0.002mm 2.设备线速度machine speed:1-15m/min(速度可调adjustable) 3.轧制有效宽度roll effective width:50-400mm 4.轧辊间隙调整范围Space between rolls:0-3mm(可调adjustable) 5.轧辊规格roll size:?400x500mm 6.轧辊精度roll precision: a.轧辊硬度roll hardness:HRC66-68, ? ? ? 单边硬度层single side hardness〉20mm ?b.轧辊圆柱度roll cylindricity:±0.002mm ?c.轧辊光洁度roll finish:Ra0.02 um ?d.轧辊径跳动roll movement tolerance:±0.002mm 7.收放卷管芯尺寸I.D. of unwind and rewind tube:3" 8.设备整体尺寸machine size:约长4.8Mx宽2.2Mx高2M 设计亮点 特点Features 1.主操作采用触摸式操作介面,直观明了,操作便捷。 ? ?Touch panel is cleat and easy for operation 2.主机采用两马达分别控制两根轧辊,动力稳定,旋转顺畅。 Two motors control two rolls which makes power stable and rotation more smooth. 3.电器部分采用德国品牌,运行稳定。 Electrical parts are from Germany Siemens, more stable. 4. 片材生产,采用自动化程序控制,前后间距±1mm。 Sheet processed by full auto programmable control, separation distance ±1mm. 5.主机两侧分别配备收卷和放卷机构,进行卷材生产。 ? ? Unwind part and rewind part are in the two sides of machines. 6.配备美国进口液压缸,精密液压站,压力调节范围,压力稳定。 Hydraulic cylinder is imported from UAS, high-precision hydraulic station, pressure is stalbe. 7.配备收放料EPC纠偏装置,使材料进入主机和出料时,在同一基准线上不偏移。 EPC system for both unwind and rewind part, keep material straight. 8. 主机轧辊采用特殊钢材锻打精加工而成,硬度,抗压能力强。 Main rolls are made of special steel, high hardness, high pressure tolerance. 9. 整机可满足多种工艺的生产方式,配备多种轧制方案,满足客户不同的出货要求。 Machine can meet the requirements of different technologies,we have different projects for different demands. 专业定制customize: 专注于功能性新材料工艺研发和设备研发,为新材料生产企业提供从实验室到量产化生产的整体解决方案。 It focuses on the research and development of functional new materials and equipment, and provides the overall solution for the production of new materials from laboratory to mass production.